4. Lies.

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Well this is going to be interesting. I've infiltrated this new life for less than a day and already my life feels like a soap opera. I mean even without the whole secret-undercover-superstar thing. I need to keep my distance to be sure to protect my secret.

"Please tell me it's normal for him to talk to random new people and that he'll probably never even look my way again." The look on Beccas face said it all; utter shock mixed with confusion.

"Um no! It's a freaking miracle. He's a nice guy and all but he tends to keep to his group of friends. Why aren't you mentally jumping for joy or something? This is a huge deal!"


"I'm not really interested in him." Lie. "He's just not my type" Lie. "I just want to focus on school" Semi-truth.

"But... it's Charles Donovan. You embrace and accept a simple head nod, let alone an entire conversation."

"Nope. School for me." I said "Anyways, it's not like he's gonna care, I'm the new girl, it's like a shiny new toy that loses it's value over time."

Becca stared at me for a solid minute, and then sighed drastically while simultaneously rolling her eyes.

"Anyways. Since you're my new official BFF, do you want to go see the new Kayla Steven movie? I heard it's amazing."

Mini-heart attack moment. Crap, crap, crap, crap. Has she recognized me? What's going on? Let me just ask her.

"Are you a fan?" Please say no. Please say no.

"Only the biggest. I mean have you seen her in Forgotten Stars? She's just so inspirational. The chemistry between her and Miles Teller must have been real."

Miles, he's a nice guy. Too old for me though; 4 years is my limit. I have to change the topic of conversation though, this is hitting way to close to home.

"Yeah, I guess. I gotta go talk to my brother for a little bit, see you later?" Sly, Savannah. Sly.

"Oh okay. Bye." Becca smiled at me while I stood up and started walking towards my brother's crowded table.

"Lincoln." One word and everyone at the table stopped their conversation and just stared at me. Do I have something on my face? Casey coughed.

"Excuse me. What do you want?" Well, I guess the welcoming committee is gone.

"Uhm, I need to talk to Linc for a minute. In private." Finally looking at Linc since I arrived I notice that he looks kinda pissed off. What the hell?

"What do you want Savannah? I'm eating lunch." Huh? Why's he being so rude to me? I need to tell him about the fact that this little hole in the middle of Long Island isn't as isolated from the Hollywood world as I thought.

"It's an emergency." A flash of understanding passed through his eyes as he stood up and turned to the rest of the table.

"Sorry guys, I'll be right back." Linc stood up and walked past me towards the exit of the cafeteria. I trailed behind, following him out the door to the staircase.

"Okay so what's the issue?"

"I was sitting with Becca and she started talking about movies and she told me she's a huge fan of Kayla Steven, which surprised me because this is like the smallest town in the country. I mean it's not even a town, it's literally a village. Even in a little village they know Kayla Steven. Linc, this is never going to work. We have to go back to LA. I can't do this." I ranted.

"Calm down Savannah."

"How can you tell me to calm down?! This is the description of a crisis."

"You are Hollywood's sweetheart. Of course people are going to recognize you nationwide. What did you expect?"

I guess he's right. I mean I've won an Academy Award and a Grammy.

"I don't know what I expected. I guess just a world where Kayla didn't exist."

"Savannah, you look completely different. No one's going I recognize you. You can relax."

"Fine." I feel better now that he's consoled me. "How's your day been?"

"Eh, it's alright. This kid Charlie's pretty cool, he invited me to eat lunch with his friends. But then you interrupted so if you don't mind, I'll go back to lunch."

"Yeah, sure. See you later, don't forget you're driving me home." Lincoln shrugged and walked back into the cafeteria whereas I went upstairs to go to my locker.


Walking into my next class was less frightening. Thankfully, since this class was only at half capacity I'm able to sit alone in the back and knowing that Biology wasn't my strong point, I would need to focus to pass.

"Don't nerds typically sit up front?" Without even looking, I already recognized the nasally voice as Casey's.

"I'm not a nerd. I just wear glasses."

"Same difference. I just wanted to warn you to stay away from Lincoln Keys." Wait what? "The new kid? Well, I called dibs on the new meat."

"Uhm, Casey? Lincoln's my brother." The look of pure shock on Casey's face showed that she had no idea we were related.

"But he's so hot and you're so... ew?" The bell rang signalling the beginning of class before I was able to reply so Casey just sat down with her friends several seats away. They began cackling like witches before looking at me, then bursting into loud fits of laughter. I wonder what they're talking about. Not. 

"Okay class, so today we will begin learning about the digestive system." The teacher began.


Author's Note:

The song attached doesn't really have anything to do with the story but my politics teacher played it in class once and I've been obsessed ever since. If you watch the video, look at who the bass player is ;)

However the picture is the guy I picture as Charlie. Just like slightly older, so imagine a slightly younger version. Yeah. But otherwise just use your imagination and just ignore the picture entirely.

I had to write this chapter on my phone so if there are any spelling mistakes or something, I apologize in advance. I type quicker than I think sometimes.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2015 ⏰

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