Only Natural

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I stride briskly down the white tile hallway, my tight black bun pulled back and slick against my cylindrical skull. The whispers of the other doctors slither into my ears, unclear murmurs permeating my sense of sound and enlightening me as I make my way to the back room.

"It went terribly wrong."

"She nearly took out the whole grid."

"We'll have to be more careful next time."

"Is that her mother?!"

"Elena... That's her all right."

"Why would she let them do this to her own child?!"

"Beats me. Let's get back to work before she hears us."

I scoff at the dim-witted nurses, rolling my eyes at their incredible lack of intelligence. I never chose for this to happen to my little Trydan, I never even chose for her to happen at all.

They bred me with a legend to see the outcome. Trydan is just that, an experiment, created to be used for science. They will test her limits against the power of the purebred legends here at the lab.

Trydan, defined in the welsh language as the word "electricity". I had always been fond of the language, and I wasn't feeling too creative with names at the time.

The doors of the laboratory swing open and I burst into the room, red lips pursed in annoyance.

The two year old girl lies strapped to the table, writhing around and crying, soaked in water so her own electricity fries her flesh.

"Enough of this!" I cry, shoving some doctors aside and drying the child off with a towel, scorch marks all up and down her arms. "Another stunt like this and our whole operation gets shut down for child abuse! Must I reiterate time and time again?!" I sigh, freeing her from her bonds and picking little Trydan up, carrying her toward the exit, her small, sniffling figure trembling. "We cannot violate human rights! You won't experiment on this one any more, she has had enough of this place. I'm sending her to an adoption agency, where she will eventually grow up to remember none of this. Always remember... Too much and we get caught."

"Of course, ma'am," One of the operators stutters, bowing before me and squeezing his eyes shut in fear of what I may do to him. "It won't happen again... ma'am..."

"You're afraid..." I snicker, handing Trydan off to another doctor so he can take her away from this facility. Her shrill cries burn against my ear drums.

"Mommy!! Mommy!! I wanna stay with you!! MOMMY!!" I feel a sharp pain digging into my chest for a small moment, but I dismiss it as quick as it came, Trydan's screams fading out of existence as she proceeds out of the hospital.

"I am afraid ma'am..." The doctor stammers, looking at his shoes as he erupts in a cold sweat, snapping back to the conversation after watching his test subject carried down the corridor. "Just a little."

I chuckle to myself, patting him on the back in reassurance as I observe the observations and data from today's experiment. Though she's only a half-blood, she displays significant amounts of power, equal to a partially developed purebred legend. "I don't blame you, dear sir..." I smirk, digging my fingers into his tan cheeks and tuning his face to mine, his green eyes wide and terrified. "It's only natural to be afraid of something that can hurt you."

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