Prologue: Awaken by shells

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Before he even opens his eyes, the loud sound of guns being fired rapidly enters his ear, together with unfamiliar voices being shouted at each other. Feeling the muddy ground on his back, he opens his eyes to the world, trying to find out what's going on.

"ENEMY ARTILLERY!!! TAKE COVER!!" And as someone shouted desperately at the incoming danger, the whistling sound of cannonballs flying through the air can be heard getting closer and closer.

Still lying on the ground facing straight up, dark dots soar through the sky, and eventually land on the ground near him.

"BOOMMM!" And with the sound of a large explosion occurring, the dirt comes bursting out from the dirt wall around him due to the impact, with some splashing onto his body. His ear was deafened by the sound of the roar, causing pain to his brain at the same time.

Trying to get a hold of himself, he slowly lifts himself up from the ground, shaking off the dirt off his grey color uniform, with an unfamiliar badge of Eagle on his right shoulder, and the number 26 that he notices. Still blur, he stands up tall, to find out what is going on around him. The unfamiliar environment strikes fear into his heart, together with this stranger body.

Besides him are two dirt walls that create a long narrow passageway on where he is standing. Quickly identifying that he is in a trench, he looks at the opposite side, where gunfire could be heard being directed towards his direction. Across a barren land, are many trenches that stretch as far as his eyes could reach. There, he could see some men with a European's face, slightly showing off their head from the trenches, aiming their rifle towards his direction, with flashes coming out from their barrel constantly.

And one of them is looking at him now, through their rifle iron sight.

"Idiot! Didn't your officer tell you to always stay low when you're in the trenches? Do you have a deathwish!?" A deep voice of a male entered his ears. Although the word is foreign to him, he could still somehow understand its meaning.

And with that, he found himself being pushed down on the muddy ground again, as a rifle shot just shot off his helmet with immense impact, throwing it onto the ground far away. His brain is at risk just now.

Entering his eyes, is a young-looking soldier with blonde hair, his face filled with muds and scars. After pushing him down to the ground, the soldier proceeds to put his rifle on top of the dirt wall, aiming it at the enemy forces.

"Bam! Bam! Bam!," Firing at a constant pace, the soldier aims his shot at the enemy. Within his eyes, he could see one of his shots piercing through a soldier's head, as blood splashes out from his brain. And just like that, a responsible husband who is fighting for his country dies pathetically, creating another widow in this hellish world.

As the soldier counted until five after each rifle shot is delivered, which is the ammo left in his gun, he proceeds to bow down his body immediately without hesitation.

"Fu*king Diedrich! Where is your rifle!? They're gonna charge our trench any moment now! Are you gonna fight them off later with your fist?" As the man reloads a clip into the rifle, he shouted at Diedrich for losing his rifle, unfit for a soldier of the fatherland.

'Dammit, had the war really gone that bad, that they need to replenish new recruits at this rate? I doubt he has received training for more than a week.' Thinking in his mind, the soldier suddenly feels a large impact coming from behind his head, with the sound of a bullet hitting his helmet. And just like that, his vision fade into darkness

Looking at the soldier who just saved him, his brain has just been penetrated by a bullet. As his blood begins to burst out from the hole, he immediately falls onto the ground, lifeless, just like the many people he had killed before.

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