Chapter 1: History teacher in the trench

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It's been a day since Diedrich Griswald, or Edward has come into this world.

Edward being a normal history teacher in a local public University of America, has quite a normal and fulfilling life. The last scene he remembers before waking up in the trenches, is him drinking a cup of coffee in his offices, grading the terrible paper that his students have submitted.

And just with a blink of an eye, he finds himself in this world, as Diedrich Griswald, a normal 18-year-old german orphan who signs up as a soldier, to fight for the glorious Empire that he loves so, so much.

Looking at his palm again, Diedrich still feels unreal, being transmigrated as a german foot soldier in world war I. His hand is covered with mud from the trenches, his nail soaks with dirt, clay, and maybe blood from his comrades.

With a height of 177cm, he is considered normal by german's standard. And through a puddle of water in the trenches, he manages to take a look at his face. With a sharp nose and a green pair of iris, he looks like a typical German country boy, now a bit hardened by the skirmishes he has been through. But no doubt, his appearance is above average.

'Too bad that it won't matter, in this godforsaken place' Thinking in his mind, Diedrich lies his back against the trenches, checking his rifles who he has obtained from poor Albert.

A normal looking Gewehr 98, the most common rifle issue to the brave soldier of the Empire. Using a stripper clip loaded with 5 rounds of 7.92 cartridges, length 1.25meter long, it has an effective firing range of 500m. Humble and reliable, the rifle is capable of doing his job for now, at least.

As the moon is being hung in the sky, the stars shine brightly due to the lack of pollution. A sudden wind blows onto his face, calming down Diedrich's beating, worried heart.

Leaning on the hard wall behind him, Diedrich allows his mind to wander wildly, eventually remembering yesterday's chaotic and tiring journey.

After some awkward questions and snooping around in his camp yesterday, Diedrich finally managed to get a grasp on the situation he is in. Under the 26th Infantry Division, which is commanded by Crown Prince Rupprecht of Bavaria, he is now one of the soldiers who are undergoing the famous Schlieffen plan, defending Sarreboug, Lorraine to hold back the enemy as long as possible, while the main forces advance through Belgium territory.

Schlieffen plan in short, is a plan devised by the Empire General staff to defeat France in six weeks. Aiming to avoid the heavily fortified Maginot line by crossing through the Belgium border, and eventually occupied Paris, ending the war in the Western Front.

In his past life however, it is proven that the logistics of the Empire and the lack of armor units to breakthrough the front line will hinder the plan significantly. Soldiers who were told they were going back home before Christmas, ended up fighting a 4 year trench warfare, with millions of casualties suffered by both sides.

But, this could all change...remembering the mages he saw yesterday flying in the sky, Diedrich grabs his rifle and peaks on the opposite trenches, trying to scan for enemy movement under the light of the moon.

Mage, the miracles of modern technology, through the usage of a device called Orb, mages were able to enhance their magical power inside their body, and create incredible achievement with it. Magic barriers, explosive ammo, and even the many dreams of humans, to fly. And with that, mages were quickly deployed into the battlefield, making them an effective unit, known for its high mobility and damage that it can deal.

But right now, Diedrich needs to survive the night.

After the small skirmishes yesterday, his division after a short resupplied of ammunition and food, is sent out again to replace a crippled division

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