Taste of You(FryxBender)

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*cursing, light smut*
*2366 words, excluding the ones above*
It was a very hot day in New York City, and the whole crew was very
cranky and tired from the relentless heat. Fry in particular, because he was jealous of Bender. The bending unit was always strutting his stuff and saying how he was so much better than them. “Ha! Stupid meat sacks!” he would say, “I don’t ever need to worry about overheating. I’ve got a special mobile cooling compartment in my chest! Losers!” The robot would boast and gloat about the “perfect” steel frame that was his body.  It annoyed Fry so much, and he wasn’t in the mood to take any more shit from the AI.

“Ugh! I finally finished feeding the giant mutant ants, Professor.” Fry groaned and cheered at the same time, happy that the task was over
with, but infuriated that he had to do the task in the first place.

“Good news, everyone!” the professor piped up in a weary tone. “We have nothing else to do, so I command you all go home or go swim at a watering hole or whatever it is you kids are doing these days. I don’t care, just go!”

The crew immediately cheered up. It was clear in their faces as they
swiftly shifted from depressed and sweaty faces to ones of relief. They were still sweaty, of course, but all the same. “Alright, gang, goodbye!” Hermes waved, making his way to the door. “Yoop, yoop, yoop, yoop, yoop!” Zoidberg chirped as he crab-walked after the democrat. Dusty disappeared into the shadows, probably off to his closet to watch porn and eat beans.

“Alright! I’m off to my bedroom. Don’t follow me, weirdos!” Professor
Farnsworth exclaimed. Leela just sniffed and looked at her wristwatch
for whatever reason. “I go wherever Fry goes!” Bender stated stubbornly, running up to the ginger and poking him, earning a swat from the other. Fry huffed and turned to go to the locker room. “Whatever. Just don’t bother me, Bender.”

“Loud and clear, dude,” Bender said with his fingers crossed behind his back. The two males continued into the locker room and Fry opened up his locker. Bender did not need anything to take a shower and was
bored, so he followed inches behind the human, poking and prodding the
ginger while he was grabbing his spare clothes. “Stop that! I’m not in
the mood, Bender.”

“Does it look like I care?” Bender retorted, poking Fry again.

“You’d better stop that, Bender! I mean it!”

“Oh yeah? What are you gonna do?”

Bender continued poking and blowing raspberries at Fry as the human walked stiffly towards the shower room. Bender wasn’t getting the reaction he wanted, so he resorted to Wet Willies. He dipped his finger in whatever water puddle he could find on the floor and squished it into Fry’s ear.

Shocked and angry, Fry turned on Bender and grabbed the robot’s
antenna. “Hey, hey! Don’t touch that!” Bender groped at Fry’s hold, but he had too strong of a hold on the bending unit. He was angry and
needed to release the anger on something, and the robot was the
nearest object. Bender’s antenna still in hand, he whipped the robot around and smashed him against the wall. Now, the robot was pinned against the wall with no means of escape. Fry leaned in close and growled, “Now are you listening? Leave me alone!”

Bender didn’t respond. The human was about to shout at the AI again
when he suddenly felt a vibration under his fingers. At that point, the light panting reached his ears. He paid closer attention to Bender’s body signals. The robot was shaking, or vibrating, as he would describe it. The AI was also breathing more rapidly. His eyes were squeezed shut. ‘Why...Wait!’ The thought finally hit Fry. ‘He’s turned on!’

Fry quickly released the bending unit and ran away into the showering
room, leaving the robot by himself on the floor. The ginger chose a shower that only he knew about near the far back and warily undressed
and showered. He was only in there for about 8 minutes before he jumped out and scrubbed his body dry, changing slower than he ever had
in his life.

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