Wahoo im alive

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Y/n's POV: "Wake up. You need to get up." I rolled over ignoring the child. "Wakeeeee uuuuupppp." "No." "Please." "Where your brother?" "At practice." I shot out of bed. "How long have they been gone?!" "An hour." I quickly changed not caring what I put on. "Have you aten anything?" "Yeah. It was hat stuff in a pink container in your fridge." I thought...."Oh ok then." It wasn't nothing to would hurt her, just so Mac n cheese with chicken nuggets.

"What are we going to do today?" She's a little kid what do they normally do? I mean we can't do much without her brother worrying where she is. "How about we go to the park?" "No." "Want to go to the store?" "No." "Uh....coloring?" "No." "Well what do you want to do?" "I want to watch big brother practice." I sighed and rubbed my bag. "Let's go then." "Yay!" She ran out of my room and started getting her shoes on. I brushed my hair and sighed. 'His is going to be a long day.'

"Alright let's go." "Ok!" I opened the door and she hopped on my back. "We're stoppi somewhere real quick to get something for your brother." "Really?" "Yeah, I would have rather made it myself but since I woke up late it'll have to wait till tomorrow." "What are you getting?" "Just some chicken. You want something?" I asked as I entered the store. "Nope." "Alright then." I paid and we left. The walk to school wasn't so bad she would point and laugh at things while I listened to her talk about random things. Despite living in such a terrible home she was like every other little kid.  It was a good thing, Kyoutani definitely went out of his way to make sure nothing bad ever happened to her.

"We're here." She climbed down and ran into the gym leavening me behind. "Big brother!" I heard the ball drop and whispers once it hit me What had happened I ran inside. "Hoshi! You can't just do that! I'm so sorry guys, I just wanted her to be happy-" "shut up. Thank you though." "Not a problem." I set the bag down. "Kyo that's for you when you get a break. Hoshi sit down and let them practice." "Can I play on your phone?" "Fine." "She's a sucker for little kids." "Shut your traps and get back to work!" "Iwazumi get her under control." "Dont go fruit to him for help because your benign stupid and not doing what your supposed to!" I set down on the bench and watched.

I enjoyed watching them ply and practice, just seeing the difference in them was amazing. I liked watching it was entertaining and you could see in some of them that they used this as a way to get their anger or any other emotion they keep pent up inside out. Some more than others. "Y/n can I get this game?" "Yeah sure." I put my password in and watched.

Kyoutani went up to spike the ball, when he did the sound was much louder than when others spiked. He calmed down a bit and almost smiled. I felt butterflies in my stomach when that happened, I wanted him to smile. I wanted him to be happy. "Break." I grabbed my notebook and began writing I don't know what I was writing but anything to avoid talking to Kyoutani at the moment. I don't know why I was nervous I just was.

"Y/n?" "Yes Hoshi." "Do you like big brother." I choked on air and covered my face with my notebook. "W-Why are you asking?" "Well I heard some kids talking about likening people, I think it's gross. But they said you smile a lot and care for that person, do you think that way about my brother?" I shrunk down into a ball and just died. I died right there, why? Because this child is too smart for her own good. "Outside now." I was dragged out of the gym and into the bright disgusting outside world by Hajime.

"Do you actually like him." "I don't know..." "Do you or do you not? I need to know these things." "Why?!" "He is living with us for a bit I think it's obvious." My face went bright red. "Ok Yeah so maybe I do. B-but I wouldn't do that! I have respect and personally I'm more focused on my grades and other things." "Have you hurt yourself recently." "No. I haven't." "Ok good. Don't do anything while me, Shittykawa, or Hoshi are in the house though." "HAJIME!!!!!!!"

A/n:trying to update all my stories over here but please check out my other account

*Kyoutani x reader* Soft emo, depressed pastel girlWhere stories live. Discover now