Yep i hate her

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Y/n's POV: the lady takes a seat next to me and give a fake ass smile to me. I give a fake one back to her. "Right So madam I asked for you to come into the school due to an issue that happened today." She nodded. "You see your son had gotten into some fights today. And the girl sitting next you took part in them as well." I stood up quickly and spook. "The hell I did! Their fucking lying! I ran after Kyoutani because I was worried he had gotten hurt I never once hit one of them!" I turn and face the two. "You have some fuckingn nerve to lie about that shit! You better watch your fucking backs and sleep with one eye open bitches because you have angered the wrong fucking person!"

"Y/n please sit down." "Fuck no! This school is stupid and fake as hell! The only reason you believe them is because their popular and everyone likes them! But you won't for me and Kyoutani because we both are outsiders who have issues with controlling emotions! We're broken and different while their perfect and normal it's no wonder that you believe them! And the thing I wanted to talk about you dick is the things that go on at home with Kyoutani the fucking reason he took his sister and cane to my house! I don't fucking trust her or like her she's fake as fuck!" "Y/N! Sit down and let them speak!" "No I will not!"

I open my bag and grab the notebook. "You two dick heads leave! Oikawa go and wait in the main office!" They left. I opened the notebook and began reading once I got the ok from Kentarou. "This was all done when we weren't on campus. And this is the notebook I use for therapy sessions." I fill past old pages till I found the ones from earlier today.

"I'm sitting at an abandoned area with Kyoutani Kentarou a friend who seems very distressed and scared." I start. "These are the questions I asked and the answers I got." The mother seems worried. "Kyoutani what did those boys say? He replied with 'they were saying rude things' when I asked him to be more specific he said that they had called me a slut said that they said that the boys accused him of kidnapping her and that tHey said a lot of rude things." He nodded confirming that was all said. He was so quiet what did she all do to him.

"When I asked him why he was so scared and shaky he didn't want to answer but I told him he needed to because this can help him. He seems to have trusted me and and said that she would be mad. I had no idea what he had meant by that so continued prying. Kyoutani was your home life like? He didn't answer. I started asking about certain things about home like who his immediate family was and all of that." He nodded more hesitantly because his mom was staring. "This was the part that gets really interesting because this is when I ask questions in his mom since he doesn't have a dad at home." I get nods and a specific someone glaring.

"Kyoutani does your mom hit you? He was very hesitant but said yes. Kyoutani has your mom ever hit Hoshi? He immediately told he'd never in his life let that happen. Which made me wonder how often she did these things. Kyoutani does your mom drink, smoke, or do drugs? He said she began drinking again. Kyoutani does your mom abuse you? He asked what I meant. I lost off mental, emotional, and pyshicl abuse he had told me the last two." He nodded confirming that this happened. He mom was very pissed hell thats an understatemen.

"Kyoutani why did you run to my house that night? He told me that she was going to start getting violent and that his sister walked in the room. He knew he needed to get out of the unhealthy environment. He had arrived around 10:00 at night hat night with a sleeping sister in his arms. I had taken her up to my room after told I didn't stay up to late after." I close the notebook and hold it tightly to me. "I'm scared that Kyoutani is being a abused and in a unhealthy environment he even said that he has problems with controlling his anger and emotions."

I sit down and toss the notebook to my brother. "Sir I know I've had many outburst in the past hour but I'm concerned for my friends safety and his sisters. He's misunderstood and any punishment I want to be put on me I don't see any reason for him to be in trouble. Unlike him I broke the rules on purpose." My principal nodded. He looked at Kyoutani. "Son I'm going to ask the girls to leave the room. I want you to remove your shirt after I want to make sure of something."

Doing as told me and her left the room leaving Hajime, Kyoutani, and the princable in there. "Your such a fucking brat." The woman spat at me. "I'm sorry what?!" "Your a brat! If that kid gets taken from me I'll make sure your life is a living hell." "Look lady I'm tryinto help my friend and this helps us both." "Tch how so." "My dream job is to become a therapist I've been working on this goal since the 7th grade. Working under school therapist and sometimes at Actually therapy offices." I look her up and down and sigh. "I don't like you one bit. Your a very rude and fake person. You bring back terrible memories of people that did terrible things. And you hurt your own children what's wrong with you it's fucking up."

"Well at least I'm not ruining a perfectly normal family." I was honestly surprised by her stupidity and selfishness. "You got be kidding me right?! You call a clearly depressed son and clueless daughter who are running away from your abuse ness perfectly healthy?! No it not. You have done damage to Kyoutani that can take years to fix! YEARS!"

A/n:this took four hours to write I hope you like it

*Kyoutani x reader* Soft emo, depressed pastel girlWhere stories live. Discover now