Talk about akward

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A/n: to the person who asked I put tw I'm so sorry I had completely forgotten to do so, I will try my hardest in the future to remember to do so

Y/n's POV: "Iwa-Chan? Everything alright out here." "Yeah. Tell everyone to continue practicing I'll be in in a minute." My brother turned to face me. "I was just saying ok, no need to get all defensive but if he tries anything he's dead ok." "He wouldn't, he has respect you jerk."

We walked back inside. I sat down on the bleachers while he went back to practice. I didn't mind staying here and watching them practice, I throughly enjoyed it. It was amazing watching these idiots work together and form this amazing team that they are, all with the lead of a screaming gay boy and my idiot brother. "Y/n what's a boyfriend?" "It's uh... similar to what a mommy and daddy have." "Is that my brother is to you." I frantically moved me hands and shook my head no. "N-no Hoshi, m-me and Kyo are f-friend and nothing more. P-please don't say that." "Yeah,,youlll get her hopes up." "Shut your trap Hanimike!" (I tried spelling his name, please don't yell at me😓)

I crossed my arms and answered Hoshi's weird questions as good as I could. When practice ended I quickly picked her up and ran out of there. Last thing I want right now is to talk to Kyoutani.

I shut the door to my house and handed Hoshi a tablet and told her to sit on the couch and Thad I'd be in my room. Not the smartest thing I've done but they'd be here any minute. "Y/n! We're back!" "O-ok!" I locked my door and sighed. "Nope na hu not talking to him today or tomorrow. Don't need him asking questions. Nope not today. I don't want to deal with that embarrassment." I sat on my bed and turned Black Butler on and sat with my pillow in my lap my head resting on it as I watched Sebastian be on he'll of a butler as always. (I won't put spoilers just to be nice)

*click* I turned to my door to Hajime hold the key in his hand. "Try taking your key to your room next time, dinners done. Come eat." "Just bring up here." He raised and eyebrow. "Why?" "I'm on a Black Butler marathon right now. I can't miss any of it." "Pause it and eat it'll still be here when your done." "No." I whined as if I was a child begging to see their friend they just spent an entire week with. "Why." "Because he's down there." "What your going to act chicken now, if you don't come downstairs the next time you two do talk it'll be more awkward and sad for me to watch, now get your ass downstairs."

I threw my pillow at him. "No and you can't make me." "God damnit Y/n." Hajime threw my over his shoulder like I was a sack of potatoes. I punched and kicked at him but it did nothin. "Sorry she was to busy being a little brat." "I only learned from the best. Oikawa of course." "Hey!...I'm not that bratty am I?" "Yes you are." Hajime set me down next to my hair and told me to eat before I could return to my show. I thought it was dumb, I could just eat in my room.

"Do I have to eat out here." "Yes now shut up." "So mean Hajime." "Dont even start with that crap, I hear it enough from Shittykawa already." I crossed my arms and pouted. "Thad now how you get what you want and you know it." I stayed silent and continued pouting like a child. "Fine. Take your food to your room, br your doing dishes." "Fine by me."  I grabbed my plate and basically ran to my room.

I shut my door with a sigh and played my show and ate happily. Was I bein a brat about this, yes. Will I stop, probably not.

*Kyoutani x reader* Soft emo, depressed pastel girlWhere stories live. Discover now