all for you | quackity

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quackity x reader | she/her
request: none
short summary: im too lazy to come up with a full storyline for this but uhh quackity lies to schlatt about where he was and y/n has to try and cover up for him- it wont make sense bc idk what this is.
(minecraft irl au)

uhh tw warning, blood, violence, and a lot of angst :/

- y/n pov

"y/n dont fucking lie to me just to save your boyfriends ass!" schlatt yells.

"i swear im not fucking lying schlatt he wasnt with wilbur!" i say.

"y/n you can just give up because i know the truth, its for your own good," he says, sword in hand. i tremble a bit but stand my ground.

"he wasnt," i repeat.

"oh lets get alex in here for this one," he says with a laugh. he yells for alex and he enters the room. schlatt is standing by his desk and alex goes to stand with me.

"no alex stand with me," he says. alex hesitates but walks to stand next to schlatt. he uses his word to lift up my chin.

"your sorry ass girlfriend over here was trying to cover with you saying you were with her yesterday and not that fithly pig we threw out of this nation," he looks at me with soft eyes as if to say 'thank you' i look down.

"hey look at me when im speaking!" he raises his sword under my chin. "do you have any final words y/n?" he says. i go wide eyed.

"schlatt dont you fucking lay a finger on her!" alex says glaring at schlatt.

"oh i wouldnt kill her! no no no i would just do this!" he swiftly moves the sword and slashes my arm. i fall to my knees and hold onto my arm. i let out a small hiss of pain. my shirt sleeve starts to turn red. alex tries to help me but schlatt sticks his sword out to block him.

"now, again, y/n where was alex yesterday?" i look up at the two of them, still holfing my arm.

"," i barely get out. alex looks at me with sorry eyes.

"dont make me get your other fucking arm," he says and raises his sword again.

"SCHLATT DONT!" alex yells before he gets my arm. schlatt just laughs at him.

"and why is that alex?" he asks.

"just hit me instead, leave her out of this, please," alex asks him. schlatt shakes his head.

"no fucking way! i get so much more out of you when i threaten her life over yours," he says, pointing his sword at me. my shoulder is still throbbing with pain, i hold onto it tighter. i dont think i can bare it for any longer, i might pass out.

"havent you done enough schlatt? please this once let me help her," he says.

"i guess, but this isnt over," he says and drops his slightly bloody sword on the table then leaves the room.

"im so sorry y/n you didnt have to do that," he says and kneels down next to me.

"can i just get my arm covered up please-" i say shakily.

"yes yes of course sorry," he says and helps me up. we decide to head to nikis house to have her help me out.

"oh my god, what happened? are you okay y/n?" she asks concerned.

"can you help her niki?" he asks. i feel myself going in and out of consciousness from the blood loss.

"yeah of course come in!" she says and helps me inside and she sits me on the couch and rushes to her bathroom and comes back with a roll of bandages. she first wipes my arm then she tightly rolls the bandage around my arm and secures it with tape.

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