truth | toxic!wilbur

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wilbur soot | she/her

this is toxic!wilbur btw... based on my irl experiences (but this is like bumped up more extreme).


I used to watch documentaries about cults. How they target people at their lowest and lure them in. How anyone could be manipulated into a cult. Everyone thinks they would realize, that they could never be lured in like that. And I used to think like that. I was manipulated a lot by fake friends when I was younger and I thought I learned my lesson.

Wilbur Gold. 

I met him when I was in line for food and he offered to pay for my food because of course he did. He would always tell me he was a hopeless romantic. Funny to think about that now.  He gave me his number but told me I didn't have to text him.

Red flag number one. Obviously I texted him because he made me feel like I was in control when really, he was holding the wheel.

We talked for 3 days straight. I never usually talked to people off the street and my brain knew better than to open up to a person so fast but sometimes your heart takes control of your actions. I felt so connected to him. Red flag number two.

He asked me out the next day and I obviously said yes. 

But after that amazing date and we connected so fucking well, I heard less from him.

Sure, I talked to him often and we went on a few more dates, still but something was just off. Not off enough to ask him if something was okay but still enough that I was second guessing myself. 

I got so comfortable with him that I just felt like I could tell him anything, except he wouldn't respond for 3 days at a time. Eventually I knew to ask him if everything was okay.

He apologized profusely, stating he was just so overwhelmed with life at the moment because he was behind on his studies that made him so that he couldn't respond to anyone, it wasn't just me.

I was over the moon, not at the thought of him struggling of course but, he understood my worries and told me exactly what was going on with him. 

Except it went on for 3 months. Now he wasn't ever responding. Theres no way you were still behind on your school work after 3 months just because you missed two days of uni.

I still felt so connected to him. Where had that spark gone?

I started confessing all of this to my friend over the phone, hoping for any answers, advice, I needed something.

They didn't talk for a couple moments, struggling to find the words to tell me what they wanted to say.

"Y/n, uhm what is his name," they ask carefully.

"William Gold, or I guess Wilbur Gold," 

"I don't want to be the one to say this but," They sigh, "he's not in uni," they're stepping on eggshells with every word that comes out of their mouth.

"Do you know him?"

"A lot of people know him,"

"What is that supposed to mean?"

They explain two things to me. 

One, he's a you-tuber, one of those influencers that play video games. And has some music. If he had not been so cold to me lately I would have been fine about this, maybe even excited.

But two, what I explained to my friend is what he's known for. He learns your interests, your personality and reflects it. Making it feel like you found your "perfect match". But after a couple weeks comes up with some half-ass excuse and ghosts you.

After that day I debated for awhile, but ended up blocking his number.

Sure, I did watch a couple of his videos and listen to his music. What can I say, he's a pretty good entertainer.

I try not to think about him often but sometimes I question myself the why. Maybe it's because he's afraid of commitment, or he's been a victim of a broken heart too many times. You can't help but to think about the 'what ifs?' too. What if we were meant to be and he threw it all away. What if he still thinks about me? What if I un-blocked him? No. 

After a couple months I was completely over it, wanting to move on with my life.

I still see him around often. Mostly he ignores my existence. 

Once every so often, I get a smile thrown in my direction or if I'm lucky he'll give me a little wave 

but I never reciprocate because he isn't aware of the fact that I now know the truth.


what a jerk ammiright guys... ahahahahhahahahahaha kill me.

is this stupid? probably anyways like and subsribe bc i wrote most of this in class and i wanna die.

(updated : 2/08/22)
(words : 797)

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