Chapter: 28

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We continued flying for a bit until we passed over this town. It wasn't as big as Liones or Vaizel, but it was still a fairly large township. Even from above, I could see farmers picking crops, bakers bringing out a fresh, warm bread, ladies chatting it up and laughing with each other while children played in the cobblestone. It was everything a great village should be and so I decided that this would be where Zeldris and I would stop and take a short break.

"(Y/n), Are you sure about this. You know how I feel about humans..." Zeldris commented after I broke my flight pattern and started a downward track towards the village.

"I'm positive Zel. We'll just stop for a quick snack." I replied knowing we'd likely be here for more than just a quick visit. After all, my wings were exhausted.

I let my wings dip a little further until we we're almost touching the ground. We landed about half a kilometer away from the village as I'm sure that seeing two winged people come down from the sky might be a little disconcerting. This village looked most definitely more closed off than most villages around so I know we'd have to be a bit careful about what we say and who we talk to.

The village was quaint and even from half a kilometer away the people seemed friendly enough. I was pretty tired after so much flying and I could tell Zel was definitely tired too. We began our walk at a slow pace and it took a little bit but in time we made it to the village's entrance. There were a few kids running around the village's outskirts. They seemed to be a bit older than the one's we saw while flying overhead. If I could guess I'd say they were about 14 to 16 years old. So they were probably more teenagers than kids. But being 3,000 years old kinda makes almost everyone a kid to me.

As we walked into the village side by side a woman sliding her bow across the strings of an old violin could be heard. It was a familiar tune and one I felt I hadn't heard in ages. Nonetheless me and Zel continued on our path to the innards of town.

The architecture was old, almost ancient. It reminded me of days lost but what surprised me the most was that I hadn't come across this village before, even in my 3,000 years of roaming Britannia. Never had I seen it with the sins, even though I could swear we've passed over this place. I'm sure I would've remembered it.

There were cracks in the cobblestone, not just from wear but from what looked like somewhere war had taken place. It was like the buildings were still bleeding wounds of the past. Even though this couldn't be true. The last war to have taken place here was the ancient holy war.

"It has been 3,000 years (y/n), right?" Zeldris glanced in my direction to ask. I must've been as shocked as he was because my lack of response became apparent when we passed a bakery still selling the same bread the humans would make to perfection in the ancient times. Me and Zeldris decided to stop at the bakery for our lunch. Hoping to indulge ourselves in slices of memories. We walked in the bakery and felt the wooden floor creak below our feet, we made our way past old wooden tables and chairs to the stone counter with glass lanterns patterned around it when a human lady greeted us.

"Hello, I'm Velinda, how might I assist you today?" She said with a smile to the both of us.

"Give us a second, won't you?" I asked with incredible manners while I stared at their near ancient menu. There were dishes on here that I hadn't eaten since before Zeldris and the commandants were thrown into the coffin of eternal darkness.

It was a few more seconds until Velinda made herself known again, she scooted our way across the back of the counter and gave a face of pure worry as she tucked her dark hair behind her ear.

"So how about that war?" She questioned as if it was common place...

A/n: it's been too long loves, I'm truly sorry but I had to graduate and immediately start working, however I've found a lot more free time recently and I've began doing more things I love. I'm in the process of making an Instagram account for my work as well as my cosplay and I'll be adding sneak peaks of my stories (including this one) there. Lmk if anyone is interested for the name 🥀🌹 thank you all for your continued support,
Love, Author 🥰

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