Chapter: 2

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"I require you to leave this place at once." I said as I stared down Gilthunder and his crew. My goal now was to terrify the already scared knights into leaving me be. I didn't want to hurt any of them and truth be told I hadn't used that kind of magic in so long, I didn't know if I could. It was just luck that Gilthunder was a bad match for me. So I thought if I could put on a flashy show, they'd leave with their tails between their legs.

The lesser knights looked fearful as my golden wings began to glow and from my hands, orbs of light started growing. The air around us got warm and tingly very quickly. A few of the knights crouched down and one of them whispered something into Gilthunder's ear.

"I don't think you understand what I need." Gilthunder shouted.

"I don't think you understand what I'm capable of. Leave." I sneered. I could feel my eyes become a golden hue. They hadn't done this in quite some time but I guess I got a little worked up.

"Alright (y/n), we will leave. But we will meet again and by that time, maybe you'll be ready to tell us what you know." He spat.


After the holy knights had left and I couldn't see them in the distance anymore, I let down my magic and retracted my wings. I felt absolutely exhausted. I hadn't used violent magic in so long it was draining. But now I knew what I had to do. Find the sins and train.

There was no way I could return to them like this. Unsure if I was still able to preform in battle. So I had to train.

In fact I began training that very same day. I figured it must be urgent if the sins are back together for the first time in ten years. So I started training with a scarecrow across from me. It was a little stupid but I didn't want to actually hurt anyone right now. I hadn't touched this power in ten years. There was no way to be sure if I was still any good with it. But I let out a deep breath and chanted.

"SUMMON LIGHT BEAM." I yelled. Then a beam of light came hurling down from above towards the scarecrow and when it impacted I squinted my eyes.

Upon opening my eyes a moment later I found a charcoal mound of what used to be the scarecrow. I was a little bit shocked. I had no clue that my powers were still this strong. I mean they were as strong as they could be after part of them were taken years ago.

I understood why my powers were taken. I was unstable then. I was tired of waiting for Zel. I was tremendously sad and almost everything in my path became ash. Everything except for the seven deadly sins. They helped me begin down the right path again, and for that I'd be forever grateful. 

I looked back at my stone castle and sighed. I missed all of them. I missed all of the people I could call friends.

Two days later:

I was outside training again and building endurance when I saw it. It looked to be a giant green pig floating through the air. I continued running laps around the garden until it seemed to get closer. Just what was this thing, I thought. I could sense a large group of magical powers coming from it.

I swear if this is the holy knights way of getting back at me I was going to laugh my ass off. But surely they wouldn't fly around on a giant green pig. Would they? No, there was only one person I knew this well to do that. Meliodas...

The pig landed in my front garden and I face palmed. They landed directly on my tulips. Then the green pig began to burry itself. My mouth was completely on the floor at this point.

"Good job Hawks mom." I heard Meliodas call out.

"Melio?" I shouted.

"Oi (y/n)!" He called as he came out of the door of whatever structure he'd seemed to have built on the pig.

I ran over and hugged him. Diane, King, Ban, and a girl all followed out of the structure. No, it was not just any girl. It was the splitting image of Liz. But before I could do anything, Ban lifted me up by my waist and threw me over his shoulder.

"We're taking you back (y/n)." He said and I just laughed.

"Come on you guys look tired. Stay a bit." I remarked to the group. "I can have rooms prepared in the castle if you'd like."

"I don't know." Meliodas responded.

"We can at least stay the night and we can be off in the morning." Ban suggested. And that became the plan. They'd stay over, I'd spend one last night at the castle that I haven't left in ten years, and then in the morning we'd all go searching for more of the sins.

Ban finally took me off his shoulder and I let out a deep breath.


Evening came and we all sat outside by the fire to relax and maybe drink a little more than we should've. The girl from earlier came walking over to me to introduce herself.

"Hello (y/n), I'm Elizabeth. The third princess of Liones. The girl from before said to me. I smiled at her. She seemed to be a kind girl. Just like Liz was. I couldn't get it out of my head just how striking the resemblance was.

"Looks like we've got three royals with us now." Ban shouted. I laughed while Elizabeth looked at me questioning Ban's words.

" Sir Ban what do you mean?" Elizabeth asked a clearly drunken Ban.

"Well you know... (y/n)'s the Queen of saturated lights or whatever." He replied.

"It's Satulumia Ban. And it's realm of people who'd kick your ass for that." I shot at him and laughed.

All of us seemed to be having a great time. I truly couldn't fathom how I managed to live even ten years away from these people. It was too much. I truly loved these people. They gave me so much hope and a place to call home.

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