Chapter: 7

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I awoke to an uneasy feeling in my stomach. I looked at the clock and it was just about mid day. The fighting festival should be over by now I thought. But I could sense this magical power coming at us from afar. It was somehow different from the normal types of power I sense. It wasn't exactly human but it was holy knight level power. That's when I realized it. It was just the slightest bit of demonic power.

I won't lie, I felt a little anxiety come over my body when I realized we wouldn't be facing normal opponents. But I thought if I could fight head to head with the Ten Commandments then some little demon wannabes don't stand a chance. Although...that was 3,000 years ago and I've had some of my powers taken from me since.

Still I had to do something. If what I'm sensing is right then the entire town is in danger. I hurried out of the room and rushed downstairs to the tavern. With my Solaria in hand I ran outside to see giant flying stingrays oddly enough. Then a massive blast hit the town of Vaizel.

I kept running until I eventually ran into Ban. "(Y/n) what the hell are you doing out here?" He shouted at me.

"I thought you could use some back up." I responded.

Just then a purple haired holy knight landed right in front of Ban. I could tell just by her eyes that she had been a part of whatever little demon experiment the holy knights were doing.

"Leave this one to me (y/n)!" Ban yelled and I respected that. However, if it began to look like it wasn't going well for Ban then I'd step in.

Ban fought gallantly for a while but it was clear that her demon powers were overwhelming for him. I couldn't let Ban get totally beat up, but I didn't want to ruin his pride either.

"You made a woman out of me." The purple haired holy knight said to Ban. I just kind of stood there awkwardly at that point. It was clear that there was some sexual tension that wasn't being received. I think Ban didn't even know what to do.

But all I knew was now, Ban was getting his ass handed to him. The purple haired holy knight was throwing him around like a rag doll. Then before I knew it Ban was flying through the air completely knocked out.

"Guess it's my turn now." I told the purple haired holy knight while walking over to her.

"I'll thrash you just like your comrade." She said but my Solaria was already at her throat. My golden wings erected from my back and just before she could swipe me with her sword I jumped backwards.

"I don't mean to pry but what made you drink the demon blood?" I asked her with a smile on my face. She looked completely shocked but she didn't answer. All she did was run towards me at top speed looking like she wanted to kill me. "LUNA'S ROPE!" I shouted as waves of light tangled around her body like a million snakes burning her from all around. She was now trapped inside a coffin of scorching hot light.

I walked over to the coffin slowly and placed my hand on top of it. I wasn't sure how long it'd hold, it has been quite a while since I've done this spell but I hoped it'd hold at least until this was all over.

I took a deep breath and to my dismay, I felt a sword come out of the coffin and pierce right through my body. This caught me off guard and the spell broke. Just then, coming out of the coffin was a mangled image of the holy knight I had just fought against. Her skin was blistering and melting off of her face. I was almost disgusted until she took a green spell orb and healed herself. I just rolled my eyes, still with her sword through my abdomen.

"Don't mess with people you can't handle." The purple haired holy knight said to me before ripping her sword out from my stomach. I grunted in pain before standing up and at which point she sped behind me and sliced my back clean open.

I fell to the ground and the holy knight began to continue on to meet up with others. As for me, I had left my potions in the tavern so all I could do was lay there and wait for my healing abilities to kick in. I just laid there on my stomach only getting angrier with each passing second.

For some reason I could no longer sense Ban or Meliodas's powers. Ban's powers were fading and Meliodas's powers were just gone. I had no idea what that meant happened to him. I hoped he was okay though. By this point I was absolutely furious with the holy knights who sought to take so much away from us. I knew what I had to do and I was so enraged that I wouldn't hesitate to let out my darkest side.

I turned my head and over in the distance I saw King in a fight with a green haired man who had incredible strength. I also felt Diane's powers growing.

I was gathering every ounce of strength I had inside my body when I felt Meliodas. But it wasn't his normal self, it was his demon side.

King's powers were fleeting as he was in a losing fight against the green haired man. That's when I noticed Meliodas took out the others and headed his way.

It was time. I could feel Diane powering up and I figured it was best if our attacks occurred at or near the same time. Then it happened.

"World ender...consume." I whispered...

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