Unwanted Meetings

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POV: Shayla

Surprisingly, Rita and I walked into school 10 minutes before the bell rung.

"Wow, ride with a creep and get to school early for once!" Rita exclaimed with sarcasm.

"Rita that's mean." I scolded, but didn't deny it.

"Sorry mom, but you know its true" She mocked me laughing. We separated going to our separate lockers. Unfortunately we didn't have any classes together besides gym and of course lunch. After I got my textbooks from my locker, I walked to the library because I had a paper I needed to print out for English class. As I walked, I sadly looked at the posters advertising Homecoming. I couldn't believe that I still didn't have a date, but I wasn't going to dwell on it— I had four weeks to find someone.

As soon as I opened the door to the library, I noticed the boy that drove us to school. He was standing near the printers and computers talking to what I assumed were his friends.

Damn, I thought. Why couldn't they be near the bookshelves. I was thinking about leaving when one of the other boys looked up at me. He hit the boy that drove us to school on his chest, getting his attention on me. I realized I still didn't know the boy's name, I was pretty sure it started with a 'R'.

Soon his whole group was staring at me. Well, I couldn't leave now, at least not without feeling like a snob. So I walked over to the closet bookshelf and pretended to look at books, the whole time they were starting at me not to mention that the conversation between them had stopped.

It was so quiet that I was almost afraid to breathe. Why couldn't I have come during lunch or homeroom, I was mentally kicking myself. Why couldn't I have just wai--


The Bell!

It was ringing.

I could not have been happier. I rushed out of the library exit before anyone else could reach the door.


The rest of the day went about normally, or as normal as it gets in high school. I didn't see 'R' for the rest of the day and thankfully Rita didn't bring him up.

After school I had to tutor a freshmen, Tyler, who was nice but extremely cocky which could come off as annoying. I had to help him with math, my strongest subject. After 45 minutes of mostly debating with him on showing his work, he offered to drive me home. I declined, I had taken the offer once and still regretted it; there was to much ego/ hormone for one girl inside such a small car.

Plus my mom already told me that she'd pick me up around 3:30, so I had about 15 minutes. 15 minutes to wonder around aimlessly. I sighed I had no idea what to do, the boy's volleyball practice was about to start but I didn't feel like watching today. I decided to stay in the library, and that's when one of the boy from this morning came in. That decision went as quickly as it came: I gathered my belongings and walked out.

I rounded the corner with my head down and walked into a big blue shirt which felt like a wall made out of nothing but pure muscle. Everything jolted out of my arms. I fell onto my butt then my back, hitting my head on the ground. I groaned in pain closing my eyes, the back of my head was burning. I could hear someone walking around me.

"Look what you did! You probably gave her a concussion!" Said a voice I didn't recognize.

"I didn't mean to, she bumped into me! What do we do, we can't just leave her here like this." Protested another unknown voice.

"She'll be fine." Answered the first voice. I heard hesitant foot steps walking away. Wow I thought, they were just going to leave me here. I wasn't even sure if I was okay. My head was thumping, so I layed there for a few extra minutes. Finally I got up and dragged myself to my feet, stumbling into a wall of lockers. I put my hand on the back of my head, it stung but there was no trace of blood. The floor was spinning, and I didn't dare to look up. My bag was halfway across the floor, my belonging spilled out and scattered along the hallway.

Geez, I thought. I really wished they had stayed to help me. I lean away from the wall and got down onto my knees, picking up my bag first then the other items. Halfway through I had to take a break the floor was spinning again. I heard someone walking nearby but didn't pay much attention.

"Are you okay?" The person asked, his voice sounded familiar but I couldn't put a face with it. Then I looked up, it was the same kid that drove me to school this morning, 'R'. I wasn't sure if I should have been relieved or afraid, either way

I just wanted to go home. I sighed,

"Not really." I admitted,"Could you tell what time it is?" He pulled an iphone out of his back pocket.

"Uh, its 3:31. Do you need help picking up your things?"He asked already bending down hesitantly picking up my math textbook and English folder. I reached out to grab them from him, our fingers touched.

I could have sworn I heard him gasp.

I looked up shocked. He was starting to make me uncomfortable again. I didn't realize how close we were, his gold-ish brown eyes were staring only inches away into mine.

"Tha-nn-ks" I whispered stuttering. He didn't answer, I looked away and stuffed the items into my bag, bending my folder crushing the papers inside. I surveyed the floor looking for any left over items I might have missed. He was still sitting there staring intensely at me. My hands started to shake in fear. Then it hit me,

He had a crush on me.

That's all it was, I didn't have to be afraid. I smiled in relief without thinking, it was only a crush, he probably didn't even realize how creepy he was coming off. I'd done something like this before, but I wasn't this shy about it. I stood up slowly feeling light headed, he copied my movements looking worried.

"I hit my head when I fell" I answered his un-asked question."Could you walk with me outside to my mother's car? So I won't fall I mean." I asked calmly, staring into his eyes. I wanted to level out the amount of awkwardness he was giving me with him. It worked. He looked away first and whispered

"Of c-course, how'd-dd you fall?"

"Some jerk bumped into me and left me here" I continued. "Uh, hey what's your name? Doesn't it start with a R?"

"No, it-ss Jacob"

"Oh" I said feeling horrible that I even mention the letter 'R'. We walked the rest of the way in tense silence. At the door I turned and said,

"Thank you for walking with me Jacob, oh and I'm Shayla." He only nodded.

I walked out of the doors stiffly trying not to run away.

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