A New Relationship

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I walked into the school. My mom drove me this morning, I didn't want to ride the bus.

Especially alone.

I sighed. I couldn't understand why I was so nervous. I guess I just didn't want to answer a whole bunch of questions. It was like a walk of shame to my locker. It felt like every pair of eyes were staring at me, looking away to whisper when I made eye contact. I collected my books for first period out of my locker. Then my locker neighbor came over.

'Hey Jane."

"Hey Shayla, how are you doing?"

"Fine, you?"

"A little tried. I hope Rita will be okay." My heart dropped at the sound of her name. I ignored the feeling and responded,

"Me too. Are you going to first period." She nodded.

I waited for her to get her things and close her locker, we shared first period. As we walked we talked about very little. She told me about how boring her weekend was, and we steered clear of the details of mine. Once at the door of English class we separated. I sat in my assigned seat across the room from Jane. As the classroom filled in, the teacher Mrs. Jackson came over to me to give me her condolences.

I could have sworn condolences were given after a death. But maybe she wasn't aware of that, you'd think an English teacher would be. The bell rung, afterwards attendance was taken and class started. I had to deal with a few people next to me asking questions about Rita, but it wasn't too bad. I guess today wouldn't be so horrible after all. I don't know what I had expected, people blaming me?

But of course this relief wouldn't last for long.


My fourth period class was History with Mr.Workinger. He was known to be a nosy teacher but I hadn't expected him to do this. Right now I was sitting in a classroom debate about what happened to Rita. He had called the class attention to me so I could explain what happen to Rita.

It was unbelievable.

I couldn't finish the story because I broke down into tears. Someone else had finished for me, they explained what they had heard on the news.

"I think someone was trying to rob their house but didn't know Rita was there." One person suggested.

"It could have been on purpose."

"Maybe, it was someone from this school--"

Mr. Workinger interrupted. " Erica I don't think anyone at this school would be capable of that..."

"But Rita is kinda of mean." Someone else objected. That gained opinions from everyone.

"She is."

"No she isn't"

"She's mean but didn't deserve that." The classroom erupted into chatter. I had my head on my desk.

I couldn't believe this was happening.

The bell finally rung, I wanted to leave as soon as possible. But I ended up being the last one to so. I stayed there with my head on my desk ignoring anyone asking me if I was okay. I didn't move until Mr. Workinger told me I needed to go to lunch and he hoped I felt better. He obviously didn't care or understand.

I got up but I didn't go to lunch. I walked to the girl's bathroom to get myself together. I wiped my face with paper towels and took deep breaths. I was unsure what to do next, I didn't want to go anywhere with any people around. I walked out of the bathroom to my locker. Might as well get my stuff for last period. Then I could get home as soon as possible. I remembered I had to tutor after school. I thought about what I was going to do. My mom would probably want me to keep my promise, but I'm not sure if I could even concentrate long enough to. I laid my head against my locker.

I just wanted to go home.

Suddenly I was startled out of thought by a quiet voice.

"A-are you okay-y" I knew who it was before I even looked over. I didn't know if I should have been comforted or annoyed by the question. I was not okay. But instead I answered,

"I'm fine. I just wish I could go home." I turned to Jacob.

"I could drive you home!" He answered way too quickly.

"What?" I asked wanting to laugh at his enthusiasm.

"I could drive you home if you want" Now sounding unsure.

"Right now?"

"Yes." He hesitated. I thought about the offer. I wanted to go home but didn't want either of us to get in trouble. Instead I suggested.

"How about when school ends. I don't want to ride the bus."

"S-sure," He smiled but it dropped when he asked. "What about Tyler?"

"Who?" I asked confused by the sudden change. Suddenly he looked alarmed.

"Uh-uh never mind. I must be thinking about someone else."

"What do you mean?" I pressured.

"The boy you tutor." He finally admitted. I was taken back, I didn't remember telling him I was a tutor. We weren't even friends, yet.

"I'm going to cancel it. How did you know who I tutored?"

"I heard Tyler talking about it, I thought he was your boyfriend by the way he was talking."

I laughed, believing him. "That sounds like Tyler, don't worry were not dating." His frown turned into a sheepish smile. I looked at him, I mean I truthfully looked at him. I noticed for the first time he was pretty cute. It easily hard to miss. He was so shy and quite. If he would gain some confidence the girls would be all over him. I tried to ignore the slight tingle of jealousy I felt at that thought.

"So, s-should I meet you by your locker after the last bell?" His voice shook me out of thought. Out of some weird thoughts.

"Uh, yeah."

"Okay, I'll see you then." He smiled, lingered a bit then walked off. I watched him wondering if I should have gone with him. I sighed, what was wrong with me? Two weeks ago I was terrified of Jacob. Now I'm thinking about his cuteness and jumping at the chance to get in his car. My best friend was just stabbed and now it was like I was throwing all caution to the wind.

I guess it was just another reason why I needed Rita.

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