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Tw//: Percy has a whole host of issues. There are strong mentions and references to starving oneself, partially on purpose and partially on accident. He gets consumed with his work and doesn't eat. Bill and Charlie note how thin he's gotten.

There's two mentions of wanting to be sick, one mention of gagging after eating something, and one mention of actually getting sick. That's it.

Please take care of yourself and don't read this chapter if you cannot handle it. I mean it.



Bill was just reaching the first step when the floo flared to life. He poked his head into the living room, greeted with the sight of his brother, Charlie, wiping soot off his clothes. He was shorter than Bill and stockier.

"Charlie!" Bill rushed forward, hugging him. He momentarily stopped wiping the soot off his jacket to hug his older brother back. "Bill!" Charlie laughed before he let him go, attempting to wipe the remaining soot off before giving up and casting a quick 'scourgify'.

"I was just going to go up and see Percy. But now that you're here we can go together." Charlie and Bill were Percy's favorite brothers as the twins and Ron didn't like him very much and were always messing with his stuff and pranking him. They headed up the stairs, coming to a stop outside Percy's door.

Bill heard a frustrated groan which he assumed to be Percy. Charlie knocked on the door, making Percy go silent. "Go away." He called, his voice sounding hoarse and scratchy.

"It's your favorite brothers but I suppose if you really don't want to see us..."

A pause of silence was heard, before footsteps were heard rushing towards the door. Suddenly the door was thrown open and Bill had his arms full of Percy. Bill hugged him back gently as Percy buried his face in his shoulder. "Hi, Percy."

"Missed you, guys." Percy mumbled, hugging his oldest brother tighter. "We missed you too, Percy." Charlie murmured, rubbing Percy's lower back softly.

Percy pulled back, breaking away from the hug. He quickly hugged Charlie before moving aside to let them in.

"You may come in if you like. I'm just working on something for Minister Fudge, don't mind the mess. He needs me to have five reports done by Tuesday; I've only gotten one done so I've been quite busy as you can see." Percy rubbed his eyes, messing his glasses up slightly, before quickly fixing them.

Charlie and Bill shared a baffled look before stepping inside the normally organized room and carefully making their way to the bed in the corner. There were stacks of books everywhere along with papers and quills and packets of research. Percy's desk was a mess of paperwork, reports and binders.

The first thing Bill noticed after Percy's room was the boy himself. He was thin, startlingly so. Percy had always been tall and thin, even as a child. But not like this. His sweater was practically hanging off his frame, not that it could hide the slightly too prominent collarbones and thin wrists.

Percy looked like he hadn't slept in months. The bags under his eyes were dark and huge, something that-under different circumstances-Charlie'd have made a joke about. But judging by the look on Charlie's face, he was seconds away from crying.

"Have you been eating? Or sleeping?" Bill asked concerned.

Percy shrugged before scribbling down something, "The Minister is a very busy man. He needs all the help he can get." The nonchalance in the way Percy made the statement, as if they were discussing the weather, made Bill want to be sick.

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