Sweet Treats

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Damian and Bill had taken turns showing up at each others places of work: Bill at Damian's mothers stand or Damian at Gringott's every Tuesday, whether the other was there or not.

Today was no different.

Bill had roped Pierce into coming with him this time, promising that they would stop by one of the stalls and get him some knafeh. It was one of his favorite Egyptian foods and Bill was sure that if Pierce could eat nothing but knafeh for the rest of his life, he certainly wouldn't mind.

It's a relatively cool day so Bill's hair is loose, falling down his back and into his face. Him and Pierce are wearing their work uniform: white shirt, black suspenders, brown trousers; the same thing he wore when he first came to Damian's mothers stall. They'd just come from a tomb in South Africa so filled with Confundus charms that it spilled over into the neighboring towns surrounding it, creating huge masses of confused people.

They enter the market, the muggle repelling charm used to keep the place hidden from the non-magical folk tingling over their skin. It's unusually crowded for this time of day and Bill feels Pierce grab his elbow. Bill doesn't comment on it, well aware of the mans anxiety in crowded places. It makes Bill all the more grateful for him.

He can see Mara chatting to Guiana about their tomatoes; Alan arguing with Gladys, probably over which of their perfumes are better—Bill secretly likes Jamila's better, not that he'd tell either of them that; kids kicking a ball around; Arman flirting with Ria, like he always does. He's gotten to know most of them during his weekly visits.

Bill and Pierce make their way over to Damian's mothers stall, a woman that Bill has yet to actually meet. Instead of finding Damian, like he usually does, there's a girl sitting there—orange braids, dark skin, and sharp eyes that scrutinize them as they get closer. She has similar features to Damian—same nose and sloping forehead, same green eyes and soft cheekbones. The resemblance is uncanny the more he looks at her. He sees the differences though. Her face is longer than Damian's, her shoulders wider, and her lips two-toned.

"Can I helb you?"

Her voice is low and full of bored curiosity—like she can't help but be curious even though she doesn't think it'll be interesting. She reminds him of Percy.

"I'm looking for Damian," he says uncertainly, not even sure if she knows who he is.

"My brrother is not here."

Her words ring a bell in his head, he remembers Damian mentioning his sister. Damian had called her an intelligent girl known for defying expectations.

"Do you know where he is?"

"That depends. Who arre you?"

They stare at each other. Her in curious amusement and him in interest. He's oddly charmed by her. She reminds him of her brother and he can't help but wonder if anyone else sees it.

He smiles.

"Bill. Bill Weasley," he says. "What's yours?"

"Salaam ‘aleikum, Bill Weasley," she sits up, "I am Karñla." (Hello) May peace be with you

"Wa alaikum al-salam, Karñla." May peace be with you too

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