The First Letter

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It was mid morning and Bill was sitting in his mother's kitchen. Today was Saturday, June 31st which meant Harry and Ron's O.W.L. results would be coming in today, so Harry and Ron were sat at the table waiting.

Bill hadn't seen or heard from the beautiful green-eyed god since the week before. He was starting to think that Damian had truly given up and decided not to pursue him after all.

A beautiful brown owl knocked on the window, so Ron bounced up to get it, letting the owl inside and feeding it a treat. Figuring it was just Ron and Harry's test results, Bill paid it no mind.

He was proven wrong when Ron let out a disappointed huff and poked his side, making Bill jump. "Here, Bill. It's for you. From someone named 'Your Handsome Pursuer'. I've no idea who that is but it sounds creepy, you should probably toss it."

Bill was screaming on the inside. What the fuck is wrong with him?! Ron handed him the letter and went back to talking with Harry.

Bill scowled slightly at the letter, feeling his nerves set in.

What if he's just sending me a letter so he can tell me he's not interested anymore? What if he was just joking about the whole thing? What if he- Bill knock it off and stop arguing with yourself. We don't care remember. We're not going on a date with him.

Bill collected his thoughts before opening the envelope. He breathed in for a count of four before letting it out. He was mentally preparing himself, for what?, he wasn't sure.

'Hello, beautiful,

I hope this letter finds you in good health.

If you can give me one good reason as to why we can't go on a date (and it has to be a good one) then I'll drop this whole thing.

Much love and hopefully yours soon,
Damian ♡

P.S. Will you go on a date with me?'

While reading the letter from Damian, short as it was, Bill had turned a multitude of different shades of pink. He had to set the letter down and bury his face in his hands, to hide the huge grin and horrible blush on his face.

Bill got up, walking into the living room, and looked for a piece of parchment. He found one on the coffee table along with a self-inking quill that Percy probably left there. Grabbing the parchment and quill, he headed back to the kitchen and sat down.


First of all, where did you get my mum's address? Have you been stalking me?

Second of all, stop trying to be all cute and lovey-dovey, trying to sway me. It's not going to work, mister.

You said you only needed one good reason for you to drop this? Fine. Here's my reason:

We don't know anything about each other.

I bid you a good day.


P.S. No that was pathetic. I don't care how god-like you look.'

Bill found an envelope, folded the letter, and put it inside before closing it. He thought for a minute before addressing the letter.

'My handsome possible stalker'

Then under that he signed his name.


He gave it to the owl, who clutched onto it with it's talons, before taking off out the window and flying away. Just as Bill went to sit down, two Ministry owls came flying in. He took off the letters and gave each owl a treat, before they flew off, back out the window.

He handed each boy their respective letter before sitting in one of the chairs. Ron was just opening his when Mum walked into the kitchen. She let out a little squeal before sitting down at the table.

Ron had gotten an Exceeds Expectations in Care of Magical Creatures, Charms, Herbology, Potions, Defense Against the Dark Arts and Transfiguration, Acceptable in Astronomy, Poor in Divination and Dreadful in History of Magic.

Harry received the same results except for DADA which he got an Outstanding for.

Mum started hugging both boys and telling them she was proud of them for passing their O.W.L.'s. Bill ruffled Ron's hair on his way out, congratulating the two, before walking towards the stairs.

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