Chapter 5

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Saturday Morning: 9:00 A.M

Jihyo's POV

My eyes opened wide as I woke up. I instantly covered my mouth as I jumped out of my bed. I rushed towards my washroom and hovered over my toilet. I uncovered my mouth and started to expel the contents of my stomach. My stomach and throat felt like they were on fire.

I stopped puking after about five minutes. I flushed my toilet as I stood up and walked over to my sink. I looked into the mirror and I could barely recognize my own reflection. My face was pale and my eyes had heavy bags underneath them.

I freshened up a bit and brushed my teeth to get rid of the disgusting aftertaste in my mouth. I walked out of the washroom, and it was only then did I realize that I was in my condo. How did I even get here? The last thing that I could remember was that I was drinking alcohol in my office after not being able to bear the stress any longer.

I shook the thought away and went back to my room. I looked through my medicine cabinet for something to deal with my hangover induced headache. I walked over to my mini refrigerator, which was filled with drinks and snacks so I didn't have to walk to my kitchen, and took out a water bottle. I downed both the medicine and water before discarding the water bottle into the trash.

I walked out of my room and headed towards the living room. My eyes widened in surprise as the countless empty cans of beer that I remember scattered throughout my condo had disappeared. I stopped in the dining room and was surprised to find that all of the cans seemed to have been stacked in the kitchen.

I looked around and noticed that there was someone sleeping on my couch. I cautiously approached them and realized that it was Y/N. I furrowed my eyebrows out of confusion. Why was she sleeping on my couch? It took me a few moments, but I realized that she must have been the reason that I am safe in my condo. After telling her to go home, she must have stayed behind for a bit or something.

I crouched down and moved a stray strand of hair that had fallen in front of Y/N's face, "So I guess you are the reason I am home."

A tear fell from Y/N's eye as her face distorted in discomfort, "Mom... Dad... Please... don't leave me..." she mumbled before her face returned to normal.

I felt my heart constrict in sadness before wiping the tear that had fallen from Y/N's eye, "I guess you are hiding secrets as well, huh?"

I walked back to my room to find a spare blanket. I returned to Y/N's side and covered her with the blanket. I watched Y/N sleep for a moment as her sleeping face reminded me of someone that I wanted to forget. She seemed so peaceful even though she had just shed a painful tear.

"I guess I should make you some food as thanks for bringing me home," I thought aloud before heading to the kitchen.

Half an Hour Later


I woke up to an unfamiliar room. I sat up and wiped the sleepiness from my eyes before recognizing that I was in sajang-nim's living room. It was only then did I realize that a blanket was covering me. I don't remember having one when I went to sleep, so someone must have placed it on me while I was sleeping.

I suddenly heard the sound of sizzling coming in the direction of the kitchen. I stood up, leaving the blanket on the couch, and made my way towards the kitchen. I was surprised to find sajang-nim moving around the kitchen with a few pans on the stovetop and several ingredients on the countertop. What was most shocking is that she had a smile on her face the whole time as she hummed a song.

"Ah! You're awake!" sajang-nim exclaimed when she noticed me watching her, "I have some new toothbrushes in the cabinet in the washroom. Go brush your teeth, freshen up, and then come out to eat."

I was taken aback by how nice sajang-nim was treating me compared to when we first met each other. I noticed this change almost immediately after lunch when I had that conversation with Nayeon and Jeongyeon-unnies. She was still a bit cold, but she wasn't yelling as much at that time. On top of that was the smile that she gave me when I brought her coffee and biscuits without her asking. I have to admit, sajang-nim looks beautiful with a smile which makes me feel slightly warm inside.

I obliged with what sajang-nim told me to do. I went off to the washroom and brushed my teeth before returning to the kitchen. I took a moment to admire the beautiful marble countertop, stainless steel appliances, and interior design. Everything must have cost tens of thousands of dollars.

"I hope you are okay with a western-style breakfast," sajang-nim said as she was plating some food.

I nodded my head as I quickly went to sajang-nim's side to help her, "I am okay with anything. I am just a bit surprised that you are making me food. I was planning to go home immediately after I woke up. I only slept here because it was very late by the time I was able to get you home. I hope you don't mind."

Sajang-nim shook her head before giving me a warm smile, causing me to feel slightly embarrassed for some reason or so I thought, "I don't mind at all. If anything, I should be thanking you for getting me home in one piece. Consider this meal as my repayment."

I shook my head, "I will accept the meal, but there is really no need to thank or repay me. I just did what I felt was right. I didn't want to leave you at the office alone where no one would be if something were to happen," I explained with a smile.

Sajang-nim giggled, sounding sweet and melodic, "You're a special one; you know that? None of my past secretaries have ever cared as much as you do."

I let out a chuckle, "My unnies call me special all the time. At this point, I've lost the ability to tell if they are being nice or teasing me."

Sajang-nim giggled again, sounding even more melodic than the last time, "I am sure they are complimenting you. Anyways, let's eat."

Sajang-nim brought the plates of food over to the dining table, which fits 10 people, while directing me where to find the utensils. We sat down across from each other and began to eat. We talked a little bit, mainly about work, and it was quite pleasant. When sajang-nim isn't yelling or looks angry, she is very nice to talk to. It makes me wonder why she is always yelling and angry at work. I am sure people wouldn't be so scared of her if she showed this side of her all the time.

We finished eating and sajang-nim took our plates and placed them in a dishwasher. She came back with two cups of coffees and placed one down in front of me. I thanked her and she sat back down across from me. We started talking about ourselves on the surface level. I found out that sajang-nim is actually the same age as Mina-unnie and that her birthday also hasn't passed yet; she went to the same college as my unnies and vaguely remembers them due to Nayeon and Jeongyeon-unnies. The conversation was, once again, quite pleasant; no yelling, no anger, just a calm conversation. I wish that sajang-nim was like this at work. She is a really personable person and people wouldn't bad-mouth her if they saw this side of her.

"You know what?" sajang-nim asked, "You can call me 'Jihyo-unnie'. 'Sajang-nim' is too formal," she said with a smile.


A/N: Hello everyone! I am back with another update! This chapter was quite interesting. Jihyo was being really nice to Y/N unlike at work where she yelled at her all the time. She is now even allowing Y/N to call her "unnie" instead of "sajang-nim". Anyways, until next time, thank you for the support!

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