Chapter 13

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Saturday Afternoon: 12:00 P.M

3rd Person POV

Mina was nervous as she waited at the agreed upon meetup spot in front of a mall. She had completely scrapped all of her planning in favour of something more organic. She also wanted to allow Chaeyoung to choose one of their activities which was met with a positive reaction.

Mina placed a hand over her chest, feeling her heart beating rapidly. She has gone on a few dates back in college but never felt like she did now. None of those dates meant much to Mina and did not result in anything. Today's date was the complete opposite, and its success was important to Mina.

"Mina-unnie!" someone suddenly shouted Mina's name.

Mina turned around and instantly started smiling when she saw Chaeyoung running towards her. The younger woman stopped in front of Mina and placed her hand on her knees as she tried to catch her breath. Mina giggled which caused Chaeyoung to look up at her with a goofy smile.

"Sorry I am late," Chaeyoung said as she stood back up, showing that she had what looked like a camera bag over her shoulder.

Mina shook her head, "No worries, I just got here myself."

Mina had actually been waiting for one hour already even though the meetup time was exactly at noon. She was so nervous for this date that she just could not wait at home and decided to show up extremely early. Her mind was and still is a complete mess as she tried to remain calm. She blamed it on the fact that she did not want to disappoint or bore Chaeyoung on this date.

"Alright then," Chaeyoung said before intertwining hands with Mina, "Let's go."

Mina instantly started blushing because of Chaeyoung's bold action. She was normally shy around Chaeyoung, but she now felt like the main character in a shoujo manga who was standing in front of her crush. She wanted to vanish into thin air but remained calm and nodded her head.

Chaeyoung smiled at Mina before pulling the older woman into the mall. She pointed at all of the things that caught her eye, unbothered by how Mina was staring at her. Mina liked this free-spirited nature of Chaeyoung. She was a bit envious as she wished she could be like that in general. The only time she is in any shape or form outspoken is when it came to Y/N.

"Hey," Chaeyoung called out as she pointed at a store, "Do you want to check out that clothing store?"

Mina nodded her head before giggling, a bit more comfortable with the current situation, "I would love to. I just find it funny that it was my idea to go to the mall, but you are leading me around."

Chaeyoung started to blush before rubbing the back of her head with her free hand, "Sorry about that. I guess I am just too excited to go on this date with you."

Mina's eyes widen upon hearing Chaeyoung's statement, "You're excited?"

Chaeyoung smiled, showing her dimples, "Of course! I have actually wanted to go on a date with you for a long time now."

Mina started blushing, "Really?"

Chaeyoung nodded her head, "Yeah, anyways let's get going."

Chaeyoung pulled Mina into the clothing store. She finally let go of Mina's hand so that the both of them could browse the large variety of clothing. Mina pretended to browse when she was actually just observing Chaeyoung. The younger woman had an interesting sense of fashion that Mina would have never seen at work.

Mina shook her head to snap herself out of her staring before she got caught. She walked up to a rack of shirts and looked through each one. Nothing really caught her eye until a pair of blouses caught her attention. They were nothing extravagant nor unique but were enough to catch Mina's eye for elegance.

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