chapter 1

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Haru's pov

It was a pleasant day, the sky is clear and the trees are waving, it is indeed a perfect day.

I was walking to my school ,I have a bike but I just thought that it was a perfect day to walk.

As I was walking I spotted my best friend walking in the side ways with his little brother "hey! Morning!" I said to kyle and he greeted me back with "hi Haru-kun good morning", his little brother also greeted with blush on his cheek and grinning widely, "hi" I said coldly. Don't get me wrong his little brother is really creepy it give me shivers when I'm around him and his gaze scared the heck out of me.

he doesn't seem to bother tho. I turn to kyle and said ,"hey we should get going,we will be late if we chit chat any longer". I turned to see his little brother I trembled when his gaze lands on me and it creeps me out, he just grinned at me with blushed on his cheek "weirdo" I said and i walk beside Kyle and I was talking about whatever comes to my mind when I suddenly felt chill in my right side and I turned to see what was that and there, he was staring at me AGAIN and it's not a typical gaze it was as if he wants to kill me and Kyle.

His eyes deepened and I kinda saw a glint of coldness, I don't know if I watched a lot of anime but I kinda see some aura or let's say a gloomy atmosphere around ken. But when he saw me staring at him he suddenly had a big smile as if all gloomy atmosphere around him is all hallucination.

Kyle's little brother makes me really uncomfortable

I said my goodbye's to them as I go to my locker to get my stuff.

I'm at my classroom now and the door open, it's my teacher, and the class start it's really boring as always ,the bell rang and I go to the cafeteria to eat.

I was eating with my friends. In the corner of my eyes I see ken with his fans. he is popular because of his appearance,well he is really cute and smart. he gives a mysterious aura in him and his big brother is handsome as well and they gives a unique vibes. Kinda envy them tho, I wish I can be handsome as them.

I see ken walking towards me grinning, I don't know if it's just me or anyone notice how his smile scares me a little "hi Haru-kun" hi said happily "don't call me that just call me haru" I said with irretation "does Haru-kun hate me?" He said looking down and his hands were shaking and his ayes were glowing. The corner of his eyes had a droplets of tears. The air inside the room is getting chiller, ok now I don't think that I'm hallucinating, I fricking see aura's, should I go to psychiatrist?.

And his fans are glaring at me, did you guys blind or dumb that you didn't see how creepy his eyes was.

I hate how he looks at me.

I turned to my side to see if there's any person who doesn't dumb and notice anything weird and creepy. I see his brother looking at him worried and he turns to me and noticed that I was staring at him too 'oh so he noticed it too'.

and I turn to see ken withq teary big eyes on him.

"I-i umm no" I stutter ohh god I was so nervous he really is creepy, he look up and he stares at my eyes he suddenly turned red and he's smiling sickly at me. The fuck is this guy bipolar.

Ken's pov

"I-i umm no" haru said his voice is so cute when he got nervous it gives me shivers down my spine and my heart is beating faster. how cute 'he loves you' my head suddenly hurts. the voice keeps repeating to my head 'he loves you, he loves, he loves you'. Of course he loves me because We're soulmate "he he he " I feel my face heat up and I look at his beautiful eyes but he suddenly walked away I frowned but I smile immediately.

Haru's pov

I walked away because it doesn't feels right, as I was thinking about the scene earlier I felt someone grabbed my hands and drag me to the janitor's closet I look up and see Kyle.

"Wtf Kyle, don't grab me like that! You almost gave me a heart attack!".
"Sorry, but stay away to my brother" he said "why? His just a kid, and speaking of your brother why he's really creepy, I mean when I looked at him he's always staring at me " I said with a frown "and I always ignored him. but I can't, he always follows me around" I said and my voice Is shaky and scared.
"It's like he knows where I'm going.

I hope you like it cuz this is my first time writing 😃 and if my grammar is bad pls comment if there's something's wrong with my grammar because I want to learn it. you know English is not my first language so I'm really really sorry if that's disturb you.

Edit: idk if there's changes in my grammar but I changed most of the text here and I'm kinda embarrassed on this chapter cuz I see a lot of wrong grammars T_T. Hey!! I'm still learning y'all. Anyways thanks for reading this. Tbh I don't really care if you read this or not but I just wanted to say that if you don't like this kind of story then don't read it, and for the first time reading This I will warn you first that this is a really really really really slow updates, so if you don't want to be in the edge of the cliff then don't read it :)) thanks for reading and I'm happy that I wasted a lot of your time reading this.

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