chapter 6

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"darling your not going to school because we're visiting your grandma." My mother said

"why mom?" I asked "because she's sick so we're gonna visit her" she said " okay mom,is she okay?"

I said, oh no is she ok I hope she's fine, my grandma and I is super close because when I was younger my mom would leave me with my grandmother.

And she always play with me and cook me dumplings.

"We should go now, let's go" she said "okay mom coming" I said

Ken's pov

Why is haru is not here, we always go to school together...

Why... Probably he's late, I should go first he probably in school.

...time skip...
He's not here either. I go to his classroom,

he's not here either.

He probably in the cafeteria.

He's not here,

I should ask one of his friends "hi did you see Haru-kun" I asked sweetly, 'ugh disgusting'

"No, I did not see him, why" he asked "no nothing, bye have a good day" I said.

Where are you haru, maybe he's in the rooftop.

"His not here to, where are you haru-san" I said

'hmm he probably left you because you are a monster' the voice said.

His eyes widened like he saw a ghost and, his whole body is trembling.

"No no no he's not he loved me and I loved him too (A/N- y'all probably thinking that he's paranoid, I really meant to write that cu'z I want the youngster to so obsessed to the male protagonist  cu'z he has a mental illness.)

I gotta go to his house.

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