deep green love(part 2)

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                         Chapter 2
It's been a week since things have happened and to be very honest with myself I'm glad of it. I tried but maybe me and Austin weren't right for eachother. Or just that my use to be 'me'  just didn't let him trust. But what happened, happened.
"Bruh, you've been losing track this whole week" Amren clicked her tounge as she said it.
"Meh, don't see the problem"I say because I really didn't see a  problem with it.
"Soooo, what about you and Jade?" She held a pretend cup which I assumed was filled  with tea.
This tea sipper
"What do you mean?" I ask for I didn't know what she meant
"Oh c'mon, you guys aren't even friends"
"Bitch wha-"
"Let me finish" she looked straight in my eyes that me wonder if I should be concerned about my life. So I just nod.
"Good, look point is you always seem to be lost somewhere when you look at her." I blink, Excuse me  what? I wanted to say that but I let her explain.
"Like, you talk to me with no distraction while looking at me, then there is Jade that you talk to but stop at some point"
"I still don't get it"
"You're stupid"
"I don't get it really, what about me and Jade?"
"Oh my- you're stupid"
"Speak for yourself I have to help you all the damn time at school."
And we just fliped the finger at each other.
What is this girl talking about . Oh well let's find out
"Let's go and see Jade and kate"
"Meh got nothing better to do"
So we headed towards the seitting area at the back of the music&art center. Very few people went back there because of a stupid  myth saying some dead ghost hunts the area and students for years have gone missing during daylight. Maybe about the students going missing might be true but most definitely not a stupid ghost. Never  believed it, never will  I mean I use to go there when  Amren wasn't around before some idiot called Austin. Meh don't care. So now,after I showed the girls this place since they were new they  started staying there during  breaks. So anytime I wanted to be alone or if I wanted to see them I can just go there just like how I'm doing now.

"Look for the last god damn time!"
Kate has been going on and on about me and Nelly for a long  time.
"Kate,fuck's sake there is nothing between me and Nelly" not entirely true, " She still is who she was to me"
"Yeah use to be your crush, then your friend"
"Friend" I said and held a hand
"I'm not talking to the hand" she shoved it away.
" We've talked about this the whole damn week" which was true. All day she'd ask me this thing, about me and Nelly. I mean she would  trail off when she speaks to me or if she looks at me  cause you ugly I said to myself. I don't see anything from myself to her.
" You stare at her and check her out every now and then. To top that off you smile a lot when she laughs or smiles at you. "
"Okay fine maybe some of that is true-"
"All of it is true"
"But  it's nothing"
"Hope we're not interrupting you guys" Nelly came in sight from where I was standing, leaning against the wall with Amren, arms crossed over her black top, hair in a man bun, checked black and white shirt around her waist and black Jeans . Hot assed tomboy still she is small and cute. I blink once twice what am I thinking?
"You done staring, giraffe" she said
"See" kate said while moving her hands up and down at Nicole.
"See what?" Amren asked.
"I've been telling her that she keeps staring at Nelly."
"Talk about this child  losing track all the time around you" Amren looked at me as she spoke.
"Fisrt of all I am small but not a child" Nelly's voice bored but cute.
"You're a mum" Jade smiled gently as she said it.
Baby blue jeans, her hair in a bun, and a balck jumper. It wasn't hot here. But for some reason I did feel hot.
"Am certainly not"
"Admit it you are" kate and Amren noded and grinned.
I walk up to Jade and spoke looking up at her.
"I don't act like a mum, you are just...." I don't  know why but words didn't come out as I looked inside her beautiful green eyes, then her lips and finally her whole face.  "Beautiful" I breathed.
"I'm just beautiful?" She asked,  and I traced the shape of her lips with my shadowy eyes, looked back up just to find a beautiful person in front of me.
I would have answered was it not for a boyish face but she was beautiful or just handsome , she was a girl not transgender or anything except for being lesbian well I'm bi myslef.
"Shorty?" She spoke again.
I remembeed the time when she told me about how many times people mistook her for a boy, she also said it's cause I'm flat, to which I said as a wall.
" Earth to Nelly" Amren slapped the back of my head and I slapped her back.
"What was that for?"
"You spaced out again bitch"
"I what"
" you spaced out shorty" Jade said with another warm small smile.
"She's not snapping at you atleast" kate pointed out.
"Sad, I enjoy her sassyness"
"You're an idiot" I snap at Jade who just shrugged and lean forward to face me at my hight.
"Am I though" not a question
"Shameless flirt, bastard"
" cruel  big words from a small cute mouth"
The words came out before I thought about them.
"Tall idiot bastard"
"Calm down child" Amren ruffled Nelly's hair.
"Not a child."
" Mum" kate replied to Nelly and with that, then more conversations lunch ended I didn't eat I was just lost as Nelly laughed with Amren and Kate.

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