Dark and shadowy (Part 3)

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                             Chapter 4
I heard the fridge open and close. Without looking up from my scrambled eggs,
"Can you make a paste of it, just cut it, scoop the fruit out and then smash it using a fork" I instruct her.
"Smash ay" she said and I could tell she was smiling.
"Yes you bastard" I smiled putting in some bread in the toaster.
"Your bastard" I heard her take out a fork from the drawer.
"Yes my bastard,mine" smiled at the word mine.
Then I don't hear fork scraping the chopping board. I just turned to check on Jade, then she suddenly was in front of me.
"Really yours?" She asked, gazing my shadowy eyes, then taking my hands in hers.
I met her gaze and smiled form my whole heart and said with a soft tone
"Yes,truly mine"
"Nelly, you up?" I hear Amren's sleepy voice.
"Is Kate with you?" I ask her, she still was upstairs.
"Still sleeping" she called out.
"Wake her up, and both of you get ready for breakfast" I tell her.
"And Jade?" She questioned
"I'm here, helping her. Tell Kate to bring her ass down here" Jade spoke to Amren
"Yeah I will" with that I heard footsteps and door getting open then shut.
Jade creased the back of my hand with her thumb. I face her again looking away from the stairs.
I stood on my tippy toes, then touched her nose with mine.
So close, so beautiful I thought as Nelly touched my nose with hers. I let go off her right hand, using my left hand that was now free to place it on her cheek.
She turned a bit a kissed the inside of my hand This could be a play, or it could be real but I love it. I love you, not like but love you at this point and forward.
I would have kissed her were it not for Kate and Amren shouting.
"Moring bitches!!!" They both shout.
Nelly took my hand away from my cheek. Then kissed my nose, then my cheek and smiled at me. Her eyes seemed to have light in them.
"Not a thankyou?" I whispered against her ear, my lips lightly brushing it.
"No, a feeling" she whispered back, the same way I did, her softness touching my ear.
A feeling, huh. Better than a thankyou, way way better..... I love you. I wanted to say them so bad but I held back.
She took out some plates, added some spice on the paste, then there was case with bread and scrambled eggs on another plate. I took some of them ,less load for her.

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