the beginning of it all

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( serenity 's pov)(Serena for short) pic at the top.

  Hello my name is serenity Woods. I'm 17 I'm in senior year. I have a a dirty blond hair with crystal blue eyes,I am small.I got that from my mom and I also got her hair  and I got my eyes  from my grams on my mom side along with my dad . At school they call me pathetic,slut,whore, you know typical girl calling name . I haved had only one boy friend my entire life and that was when I was in 3rd grade .A ugly ass nobody I could die and they will probably celebrate.well at least that's what ive been told.They say that I should change my name to  ser.smelly. I say that,that was cheesy but at this point I'm use to it.

When I walk ln the bathrooms I cry as I see what they write on the bathroom  wall. They say rate on Serena .or I mean smelly  from 1 to 10 every one say that I'm such  negative a number that they can't even count that high. THEY ask why don't u do them a favor and go permanently I'm nothing but a worthless piece of shit,and some other things like have u seen ur self recently in the mirror probably not cause it broke but let me just say u will probably be better off looking if u left BTW.I leave and get nasty stares in the hall way like I'm a contagious zombie. But at this point believe  I am. I believe their words.

At home It is probably a little worse. My dad married my step mom(Melissa) she brought her 18 year old daughter (vannisa). My mom died of cancer when I was ten. I still remember her telling me how much she loved me and that she would always be there for me and how she will always be watching me.Those were her last words before she passed away.

After that something changed in my father his like devil side started coming out. At first I was like he is just like this cause of stress and loss. I was too young to think of anything else.I left him alone  and tried to give him space ,but then he started taking every one out of my life my friends weren't aloud over anymore and he says I can't see them here besides school. First it was the small things like that but then he got more aggressive like started screaming loud that I would shiver in fear. And that WASN'T THE WORSE.

He started calling me a bitch and told  me to do what he says. At first I wasn't really doing it because mommy said that I should focus on school work. And homework.Not home- work.But one day (i was 12)when I came home from school he told me to clean the house and vacuum. I thought he was joking but when he came home from work.  He wasn't happy. He yelled out my name I ran down stairs with fear.and that's when the pain started he yelled at me  for not cleaning the house then he slapped me in the face I started to cry as tears ran down my face. After that he never hesitated in beating me.

Then Melissa and her daughter came in the picture but this got dad said I have to address then with respect the same one I give him  if I disrespect them he will beat the crap out of me. my step mom is aloud  to beat me if I don't  obey she says im her slave my step sister well I guess you can call her that says that she jealous of me - that why she  embarrasses me in front of the school for her own pleasure.

I cut myself when I'm sad I wish to die. I can't go on like this. As I look in the mirror I see bruises every where.I used to think I was strong. But now I believe what the people say.I'm a pathetic person with no meaning in life. I am cinderella except i wont get that happy ending any time soon ,i will probably never find my prince cause there isn't one for me.The cuts I have are to many to count. I cut till Im bleeding.No one will ever love me. These thoughts run through my brain everyday. Because i have no worth anymore or ever did. With school, home, and people.

Hi people I hope u like it my first story give it a chance plz trust me it's gonna get better. This is just the biggining.

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