Satoshi Fuijoka

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Age: 15
Talent: ultimate top student
Hobbies: experimenting, trying out new things, beating up bullies
Dislikes: snitches, bullies, homophobes
Favorite food: takoyaki
Least favorite food: oysters

Ultimate talent
As the ultimate top student, Satoshi gets excellent grades, even if he studied for 1 hour in total or just didn't.

Other talents
He can also play the violin a little. He's not the best at it, but he still can. He also has the ability to listen to the most boring things and memorize them.

Satoshi likes experimenting with things and may go as far as experimenting with people's emotions. He may seem rude and cold but he's actually pretty nice and easy-going, but if he sees someone getting bullied or harrassed, he wouldn't hesitate to beat them up until they beg for him to stop. (Yeah sorry for the basic protagonist personality)

Satoshi was raised as a normal child until his parents realized that he always came back with unnatural high grades. He was 8 when his parents decided to tutor him at home, because they didn't want him to get distracted by friends and get lower grades. This is why he has trouble socializing and may come over as awkward and rude.

His parents told him that any sexuality but straight was a sin. He realized he was bi at the age of 12. One night, he ran away and called one of his childhood friends. He trusted him and told him that he was bi and asked him if he could keep it a secret. His friend spilled his secret, and ever since then, his parents treated him like trash.

Random facts
-Satoshi almost killed someone after they said that everyone who wasn't straight and white should die.
-Satoshi is bisexual

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