Boy Genius - Reid

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Reid came in and handed me a blanket, wrapping his own around his shoulders. We were in the conference room and would be for a long time as we expected our unsub to call the tip line, at which point the call would be transferred to us. We'd answered three suspicious calls but ruled them out as a possible suspect fairly quickly. It was getting late and the rest of the team was working the field, visiting connected locations. After I'd yawned a second time, Reid had insisted we set up camp for a slumber party in the office.
"Why not make the tip line nine till five so we can sleep?" I whined, covering myself in my blanket and looking at the evidence boards across the room, "even a psychopath can understand the need for rest."
"He's an insomniac who's taken on a nocturnal routine, this is our best shot." Reid reiterated, cozying down in the chair next to me with some case notes on his lap. I looked at them over his shoulder, examining the list of weapons.
"If you had a kill bag what would be in it?" I questioned, "You're clever, you could get away with some real funky shit."
Reid looked at me, amused yet puzzled by the question, "You're so strange, you know that? But, if I were to use my IQ for evil, I wouldn't carry a bag for my weapons anyway. I'd have an obnoxiously long coat with loads of pockets."
I grinned, "I'd need a bag. I'd have a candlestick, a revolver and a lead pipe, and then all my murders would be at high end dinner parties. Like Cluedo."
He shook his head at me, laughing under his breathe. We stared at each other for a moment before he distracted himself once more with actual work. I sighed, happy to have him playing along for just a moment. I pulled the notes from his hands, gaining back his attention, snatching them to my chest as he tried to retrieve them. He didn't argue, but looked me up and down, analysing silently.
"You like to play games with me, don't you?" Spencer murmured, his hands falling awkwardly into his lap.

"Oh to be profiled by the incredible Boy Genius." I teased. My stomach fluttered as he wrapped his hands around the file and yanked it back, his face stern. His hair was messy, giving him an ungrounded look. I liked it when he wasn't so put together. It made me feel like I could really see him.

His eyes searched mine, "Well, you're a profiler too. You're our lead negotiator, tell me how I feel about these games. Profile me back."
He shuffled round so we were directly facing each other and rested his chin on his hand, his eyebrows raised expectantly. I looked at him closely. He was relaxed, his lips parted and his body language gentle, but there was a slight blush to his cheeks as he watched me stare at him, his pupils dilated. I brushed my hair behind my ear and he mirrored it subconsciously. His eyes darted downwards as I failed to suppress a smile.

"You want to know what I found?" I spoke. It came out barely above a whisper. He bit down on his bottom lip but said nothing.
I cleared my throat.
"You're comfortable around me, but this-" I gestured between the two of us with my finger, "this is making your heart rate speed up. The games, the teasing, it confuses you. Because suddenly you're blushing and you can't help but notice how close we are."
Reid let out a long breathe, "Good job Agent. So, how do you predict my behavior as a result?"
I watched as he placed the notes to the side, swallowing hard as my calm resolve began to crumble.
"I..uh, I..."
Reid laughed, "come on."
"You...well, considering the signs of attraction, your two choices are avoidance or intimacy."
I tried hard to regulate my breathing as he reached forward and brushed the hair from my face.
"Do you see me avoiding you, then?"
I shook my head.
"Well done, you've cracked the case." He grinned, and closed the distance with a hard kiss. I pulled him closer with both hands on the back of his neck. His large hand rested against the side of my face and I heard a soft groan in his throat as he realised he'd given in. We pulled apart but stayed close enough that I could feel his hot breathe on my face.
"You get to me. God, kissing a co-worker in the conference room."
I shrugged, pressing our lips together quickly once more, "it was a pretty good kiss."
He nodded, "I guess you're right."
He leaned back in his chair, but his hand took mine softly. I felt my eyes grow heavy as he rubbed small circles on my palm with his thumb.
"Can I nap?"
He nodded, smiling and pushing back his chair, "come on, to the sofa."
He sat down on the edge and patted his lap, and I curled in next to him, my head tucked under his arm. He pulled my blanket tightly around my body.
"There's something special about you." He whispered into my hair, "I've been waiting to act on it for a long time."
I smiled to myself, resting my arms on his chest.

"Hey, hey, wake up." Reid's voice was persistent.
I groaned, pressing my face into his side to block out the light, "are we getting a call?".
He cleared his throat uncomfortably and pulled me upwards with a tight hand around my arm.
"No, no, the team is back."
I opened my eyes and sure enough the team had all filed into the conference room and were standing over us. Hotch had his arms crossed, not completely pleased with this turn of events.
"Have we got two lovebirds in the team?" Garcia beamed, ruffling my hair. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes, collecting myself.
"I just- I just fell asleep."
Morgan smirked, "yeah, on top of Boy Genius."
Reid looked completely ashamed, awkwardly fumbling with his hands.
"Sorry." I mumbled, giving Hotch a curt nod and standing up. Suddenly Reid grabbed my wrist.
"I'm not."
We all stared at him. He was embarrassed, but certain.
"Sorry, Spencer?" JJ laughed.
"I'm not sorry. Not at all."
He let go of my wrist to take my hand instead, squeezing it reassuringly.
I tried to conceal it, but I knew my absolute glee was apparent. Hotch shook his head, "you two, my office, now."

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