The Naked Truth - Hotchner (NSFW)

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"Hey team, get your thinking caps on, this one is real weird!"
I heard Garcia's voice chirping in the bedroom next door as I towel dried my hair, watching myself in the mirror.
"Is that the team on the phone?" I beamed, opening the ensuite door.
"Christ." Hotch hissed, his voice low as he pressed his hand against the webcam on his laptop.
Morgan whistled lowly and Prentiss laughed as I pulled my towel down to cover my naked body, my cheeks red.
I shook my head, "Video call, fucking hell."
"Team, focus, talk us through the case Garcia." Hotch ordered, quietening the laughter. I hid myself back behind the door, cussing under my breathe. Hotch's voice shook with concealed laughter as he directed the rest of them. Rushing to get ready, I mentally scolded myself for my own stupidity, embarrassed.

Upon arriving at the bureau with Hotch, Morgan ran his eyes up and down my body pointedly, "keeping that mental image."
I laughed, "you should have to pay for the liberty, Morgan."
Hotch walked me to my desk, a hand gently guiding the small of my back.
As he walked away to his own office, JJ leaned towards me, "so have you two given it a title yet?"
I shook my head, my face heating up in a blush, "no, but everyone knows anyway."
Reid laughed, looking up from the newspaper article on his phone, "if by that you mean all of us have seen you naked in Hotch's bedroom, that would be correct."
"That's it, get it out, make fun of me all you want. I still get the perks of being the one fucking our boss-"
"Don't finish that sentence." Hotch interuppted, making me jump, close behind me, "Come to my office now."
The team was silent. I exhaled, guilty, and followed behind him.
"Good luck Princess." Morgan teased and I hid my amusement with a hand to my face.
As we reached the door to his office Hotchner stopped and turned, leading me to bump into him. It was deliberate, toying with me. He gently stepped away and looked out towards my coworkers.
"The rest of you, wheels up in thirty."
I made eye contact with JJ and she smiled knowingly. Hotch stepped into his office and I followed behind obediently, closing the door and leaning against it. He took his time walking across his office, rearranging files, glancing out of the window.
"Do you think it's funny to brag about, how did you word it, you fucking your boss?"
I bit my lip, "They're just teasing me because-"
"Because they saw you naked."
His expression was cold. I focused on the cabinet behind his head, avoiding his eyes.
"Yes, they saw me naked in your bedroom, Hotch. All of them. I didn't mean it."
He inhaled deeply, leaning his head back, "Yes, Sweetheart, but you enjoyed it, didn't you?"
I laughed in disbelief, stepping forward and placing my hands on the desk opposite him.
"I was embarrassed, you saw it. Could you not profile that Hotch?"
"I could also profile that smirk when you talked to Morgan, and how strangely comfortable you are talking about your sex life with Spencer Reid."
He leaned closer to me, his face harsh. I leaned back, finally making eye contact, pissed off.
"You're jealous Aaron. I can't believe jealous, of all things. They're my friends."
Exasperated, I turned to leave the room and he grabbed my hand, pulling me back. I fell forward onto the desk but he said nothing, staring me up and down.
"You call me Hotchner here, I'm your boss."
I pulled myself upwards and stared at him, pushing my hair out of my face.
"Power play now? I'm not even your girlfriend. If I want to flirt with Morgan, I can. Here, look, hey Morgan!"
I opened the door to the office and in a moment Hotch was behind me, slamming it shut with a hand above my head. With his free hand he leaned across and pulled the blinds closed.
"I see." He murmured, searching my eyes as I turned to face him, "You weren't happy they saw you naked, you're happy they saw you intimate with me. That's why you care about the girlfriend title. That's why you can bare to joke about your own embarrassment, because you're showing off about being mine."
I felt my cheeks grow hot and averted my eyes, my hands pressed firmly to my sides, "okay, what's your point? Am I out of trouble?"
He slammed his hand against the door, making me jump, "What's with that attitude Agent. I might be your boyfriend but I'm also your boss."
His harsh expression broke into a small smile at his choice of words. I reached my hand up to move adjust his hair and he grabbed my wrist, pinning it above my head.
"Boyfriend?" I smiled, pushing my hips forward to try and struggle out of his grip. He stepped forward, pressing me flush between him and the door.
"Yes, is that what you want, baby?" His voice was low. I nodded, smiling, "yes please, Sir."
Then he leaned down and pressed his lips to mine.
"Oh, they might catch us." I taunted, keeping my face close to his, "Then you'll have to get all mad again."
"Isn't that what you want?" He murmured, his eyes trailing downwards, his knee moving in between my legs to separate them. I felt myself becoming flustered, my breathing more laboured.
"Other hand above your head." He instructed, "Keep them there, I don't want you messing up my hair."
I did as I was told, watching with excitement as he got down onto his knees in front of me and fingered with the edge of my skirt. He paused for a moment and looked up at me, "You can't be loud. Keep your mouth shut if you know what's good for you."
I nodded, bracing myself against the door. He rolled my skirt up above my waist and gripped my hips with his hands, his thumbs tracing over the purple silk.
"Nice panties. Let me guess your plan, same as usual right? Come to my room at 1am, no doubt having to sneak past Reid's hotel room, then have me fuck you with a hand across your mouth so no one on our team finds out. Am I right?"
I said nothing, any boldness I had melting away as he hooked his fingers into my underwear and pulled it down around my thighs.
"I'm speaking to you." He muttered shortly.
"Yes." I gasped, distracted, "Yes I would have come to your room later on tonight."
He grinned widely and pressed a wet kiss in between my legs, his tongue licking downwards and sending me derilious with pleasure. I struggled to stand upright, my hands grasping at the laminated wood to no avail.
"Hands, please." I gasped, "I need to grip something."
"Hmmmm?" He hummed, sending vibrations that had my knees buckling, "oh right, don't touch my hair, I don't want to look a mess."
He looked up at me, my flushed cheeks and the sheen of sweat starting to appear over my brow line. He grinned. I reached down and placed a hand on the windowsill to steady myself. He pushed two fingers into me and I choked on a moan. My free hand immediately gripped onto his hair and he tutted in annoyance, but carried on.
I thought about the entire team, plus patrolling officers and information analysers separated by only a door, one he hadn't even bothered to lock. It was dirty but so, so hot. My thighs clenched and whispered moans spilled from my mouth.
"You gonna come Sweetheart?"
I nodded desperately, both hands grabbing at his hair as I struggled to stay quiet.
"Oh God, I'm so close Hotch, oh god."
He hushed me sharply, falling into a consistent rhythm with his tongue. I whined loudly.
"Shut the fuck up." Hotch hissed, his grip on my thighs tightening to keep me in place.
"Baby, I'm, agh." Words failed me as I peaked, and I pressed a hand against my mouth as I moaned.
"Oh baby, good job." Hotch coaxed with his face still pressed into me. I pushed him away gently, my thighs shaking, and sunk downwards until we were both on our knees.
"That was so naughty Aaron." I laughed, grabbing his face in both of my hands.
"But so so good pretty girl." He smiled, wiping his face with his palm and kissing my lips.
"You taste of me."
He licked his lips, "better not go kissing anyone else then."
I kissed him again, "nope, just me."
Suddenly, someone knocked on the door. I scrambled upwards, pulling my underwear back up around my hips and rearranging my hair. Hotch opened the door to Rossi, "Jet is prepared, time to go."
Hotch nodded, "Thank you."
"Just, uh, sort your hair out before you face your team."
Hotch realised and opened his mouth to say something, but was rendered speechless.
"Right, of course, excuse me."
Rossi left and I held back laughter as my boss caught his reflection in the window and made himself presentable.
"We must take note." I sighed, "check hair after office shag."
"Well, you've got it worse, the whole team saw you naked." Hotch retorted. We both burst out laughing, and he wrapped his arms around my middle to kiss me.

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