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y/n POV

"Then who is it?" Soobin ask again

"It's my childhood bestfriend her name is Daniel I've like him since I met him but he left me behind,I still waiting for him to come back"I said to soobin

"I guess It's just a childhood memories that should be forgotten"I added

"Daniel?" He reply confused

"Yeah Daniel Choi"I reply and look at him

"I think I already heard that name wait it's English name right"he said

"Yeah it's english name do you know him?" I ask him

"Ohh it's yeonjun hyung english name,yeah it's him,He said it to us his English name is Daniel, Daniel Choi"he said to me and I froze

No it can't be that's not her

But what if he is?

"A-Are you sure soobin? Maybe your wrong it can't be yeonjun"I said nervously

"Why not y/n" He said without glancing at me..

"Yeah I know but.. "I suddenly stop and think

It's not him I know Daniel the most it's not him....

"But?"soobin ask confused

"I know it's not yeonjun,he is in America it's not yeonjun I know it's not him sorry Soobin"I said and left Soobin behind

It can be yeonjun and Daniel are not the same Daniel is more sweeter than yeonjun, yeonjun is a devil but.. Arghh my eyes felt heavy my world suddenly collapsed and went black......

Yeonjun POV

I heard it there whole conversation,i heard it how the way soobin confess to him how y/n rejected soobin and I saw it how y/n froze like a ice when soobin said that I'm Daniel choi....

She look shocked...

She still the same...

My Y/niee my childhood friend I thought it's just a coincidence to having a same name with my girl
best friend......

She run and left soobin behind I followed Y/n and saw him lying down on the floor unconscious....

I try to shouted for a help but no one help me I saw soobin walking then I called him

"SOOBIN... HELP ME"I said and he quickly go to my direction

"What happened hyung?"he ask me worriedly

"Let's bring y/n on there house"I said to Soobin

"House? Not on the hospital?"soobin said confused

"Just help me"I said and we put y/n on my car and I started driving while soobin is texting hyunjin to called the doctor and wait for us after a minute we're finally here hyunjin help me carried y/n in her room and soobin already go home because he said he has important to do....
then doctor check y/n...
(A/n:importante ba talaga? Nako Sooben👁👄👁
Hi to my Filipino readers)

While doctor checking him hyunjin suddenly ask me

"What did you do?"hyunjin asked me

"I did nothing-"I cut off by a punch of hyunjin

I fell down to there floor I just wiped my blood on side of my lips while yeji controlling her brother not to punch me again I stood up

"I did nothing I just saw him lying down on the floor so I help him"I said defending my self

"If something happen to my sister I'm going to kill you Choi YEONJUN"hyunjin said angrily

"Oppa stop that,Let the doctor said what y/n condition"yeji said and the doctor started to speak

3rd person pov

"She's ok her heart is fine I think she's stressing her self this days I didn't find anything strange she just fainted"the doctor explain

"Thanks doc. "Y/n dad reply

"Its small thing Mr.hwang btw your familiar I think I saw you already what's your name"doctor ask while pointing to yeonjun

"My name is Yeonjun, Choi yeonjun"Yeonjun reply

"Ohh I thought your Daniel it's y/n childHood friend"doctor said causing all of them to look at yeonjun

"Umm.. Totally I'm Daniel... "I said and they look shocked

To be continued........

If you keep wondering Daniel is yeonjun English name got it?

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