~𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 1~ ♡

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"Come on y/n let's go!". Your best friend drugged you into the car. You smiled. It was the first day of the university and both you and Akira were really excited. You put your silbert on and smiled to your best friend who couldn't help but be as excited as you.

Soon you arrived to the university. Your mouth opened in shocked. You grabbed your bag and started heading to the main entrance. "We are very lucky that hajime is here or I don't think we could survive in this huge place!" Akira whispered in your ear. You nodded and didn't say anything. Hajime was Akira's cousin but you never met him since he lived in another city. " I hope he is not overprotective anymore!" Akira said with a pout and you just smiled at her softly.

You finally found your first class and luckily you didn't arrived late. You sat next to akira of course and avoiding making eye contact with anyone. "Y/n try to be more sociable,now that you are in university you need to stop being the shy girl" you rolled you eyes but didn't say anything. Akira was a very sociable person she would go and talk to strangers and making friends.

On the other hand you were the exactly opposite of her. People always wondered how you two managed to become best friends. "I'll try my best" you promised her as you didn't want to upset her. She let out a giggle and hugged you. She let you go as the sound of her phone distracted her. "Hajime wants to meet us later! He said he will brings some friends!" She said as he wiggled her eyebrows.

You frowned. "I don't know about that Akira.." she looked at you with puppy eyes knowing that you couldn't resist them!. "Fine" you muttered in the end. She smiled and hugged you once again. " thank you booboo!" You rolled your eyes at the stupid nickname but didn't say anything.

You stare at the boy who was sitting opposite of you

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You stare at the boy who was sitting opposite of you. He was so beautiful. You felt yourself becoming exited by only looking at him. His brown fluffy hair, his chocolate eyes, his laugh, his rosy lips, the jokes he made and the giggle he would let afterwards. Everything about that boy was perfect, he was perfect and you felt yourself becoming addicted. He was the one and only....

Toru Oikawa.

He was two years older and friend of hajime, he play volleyball and a lot of girls want him. He suddenly looked at you causing you to frowned. He flushed you a smiled and you looked away trying to avoid his face. You rubbed you thighs together and let out short breaths. What can a boy do to you.

"So y/n-chan what are you studying" his smooth voice suddenly draw you attention. He was smiling at you while resting his chin on his left palm of his hand. "P-philosophy.." he smirked and said. " I can see that y/n-chan you seem very philosophical". You smiled shyly at his comment. You looked at him with innocent eyes causing to blush a little.

"Thank you oikawa-san~"

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