~𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 4~♡

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Oikawa knocked on the door three times until iwaizumi decided to answer. "You're late shittykawa". Oikawa smiled innocently as he stepped in. His eyes scanned around the living room until they saw you. You were sitting on the floor next to Akira with you legs crossed. You were busy with your phone so you didn't notice his presence. Oikawa smirked and sat next to you causing to gasp in surprise.

"Y-you scared me oikawa-san" you laughed embarrassed and oikawa thought it was the cutest thing. How could a beautiful girl like you be so innocent and shy. Oikawa couldn't help but wonder if you had even been into a relationship or if you were still a virgin. It didn't seem like you ever been into a relationship and you were definitely a virgin.

Well that was what oikawa believed.

"Sorry y/n-chan" he whispered in your ear causing you to blush. Iwaizumi came with kunimi and sat down on the floor too. Makki suddenly smirked and took something out of his pocket. " maki no" iwaizumi said sternly. Makki rolled his eyes and ignored him. " bro it's not even that bad" matsun said. Makki stared gave you and the other a small white pill. You looked at it confused. "What's that?" You asked. "It's a pill, it will make you feel good y/n!" Akira said exited trying to convince you. You scoffed. "I am pretty sure it's a drug and have you tried it before".Akira scratched her back of her neck embarrassed. She knew that you will scold her later. " yeah couple of times in high school" you rolled you eyes and looked at the pill hesitated.

"You don't have to y/n no one is forcing you" you looked at oikawa's worried face and butterflies appeared in your stomach. It fluttered you the fact that he cared about you and didn't want you to do anything because you felt forced into it. You chuckled and placed your hand to his shoulder. "It's okay oikawa-san, i am kinda curious too". Oikawa looked hesitated for a bit but nodded. He put the pill in his pocket and decided to watch over you since it would be the first time trying something like that and he didn't want anything bad happened to you.

You drop the pill in your drink and watch it dissapeared for a moment. Then you placed the plastic cup on your lips and tood a please gulp.

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You let out a small giggle as you rolled to the floor. Akira and matsun went to the bathroom, iwaizumi was in the kitchen eating, maki and kunimi were on the backyard which means that you and oikawa were alone in the living room. You didn't know what was happening, the only think you knew is that you were laying on something warn and you didn't want to get up from it. "Y-y/n-chan?" You looked up only to see a purple figure looking back at you. You giggled again. You dropped you head and the purple figure flinch.

Oikawa was in a very difficult situation right now. You were laying on his stomach and your breath was hitting on his crotch. He slowly took a deep breath. Luckily you fell asleep but now he couldn't move or he would wake you up. " that was a bad idea y/n-chan" he thought. Suddenly felt you moving. "O-oikawa-San.. " he was about to respond until he noticed that you were still asleep. Now he was really confused.

"Oikawa-san..feels good.."

𝐒𝐇𝐘 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋  ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now