「 Midoriya Romance headcanons 」

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1. Whenever your sad he will always put on a sad movie so he cries too so you dont feel left out
2. whenever you get really excited about something he WILL match your energy , like if you bouncing up and down shouting about something that your really passionate or excited about , he'll join in
3. whenever your cold he will put hus jacket/hoodie on you himself , he wont let you do it because he doesnt want you to move because your cold
4. when your along he will lay his head on your thighs and ask you to play with his hair because it gives him butterflys
5. he always has to be touching you , like even if its your elbows touching , he gets too scared that your going to get kidnapped by the LOV , so he wants to be by your side 100% of the time
6. when he sleeps he snores slightly , but its like high pitched so it sound like a really breathy anime girl sigh , its really cute , he always is the big spoon and when you need to roll over you end up rolling on top of him but he doesnt mind nor does he wake up , so you both end up sleeping like that
7. he loves to write about you in his notebook , he will write everything from your height to quirk drawbacks
8. he loves to compare hand sizes , it gives him an excuse to hold your hand
9. he loves to sit on your lap , anywhere , anytime
10. he loves to buy you singular red roses ( if your allergic then pick a different flower or plant or sweet )

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