Chapter 28

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We walked into the resturant and I smiled. Ross wanted to take me out to dinner, so we went to a really fancy restaurant. We sat down and the waitress walked over. I smiled and ordered some pasta and Ross ordered his meal. We ate and laughed and I just watched as he hung his head back and let out his one of a kind laugh. His eyes squinted and his nose scrunched up, while his mouth hung open. I smiled as I watched him. He looked back at me making little chuckles. After we finished we went back to the hotel and I smiled as we walked in. He ran up and grabbed me then pressed his lips to mine. He layed me on the bed then crawled over top of me. He passionately kissed me, which soon turned into a making out. He took my shirt off then continued kissing me. And I'm pretty sure you know where it goes from there...

**4 days later**

I woke up with my legs tangled in Ross'. He had his arms wrapped around my waist while my head was on his chest. Were leaving today. I really don't want to but we have to. I sat up and jumped in the shower. I jumped out and threw on some sweatpants and one of Ross' shirts. I slipped on my converse and threw my hair in a messy bun, then didn't bother with makeup. I woke up Ross and he jumped in the shower. He jumped out and put on a t-shirt, some sweatpants, and some converse. We grabbed our bags then drove to the airport. We boarded our plane and it took up back to Cali. I must have fell asleep because I was woken up by Ross gently shaking me.

"Baby. We're here" He said.

I sat up and grabbed my bag then we walked off the plane. We got our bags then jumped in the car that was left in the airport parking lot. We drove home and when we walked in we were greeted by the Lynchs. I walked into the living room and layed on the couch and closed my eyes. I'm so tired.

"Someone's tired!" Rydel said.

"Ross kept her up all night" Rocky said, jokingly.

"Your disgusting, Rocky" I said and everyone laughed.

"Come on, baby" Ross said and picked me up bridal style.

He carried me upstairs and layed me down on his bed. He pulled the covers over me then kissed my head and walked out. I cuddled up to a pillow then fell asleep. I was woken up in the middle of the night by Ross crawling in bed.

"Sorry baby. I didn't mean to wake you" He said.

"It's fine" I said and cuddled up to him.

He smiled.

"I love you, baby girl" He said.

"I love you too" I said.

**1 month later**

I woke up the next morning and felt sick. I jumped up and ran into the bathroom. I pulled up the toilet and threw up.

"Lexie? Baby, are you okay?" I heard Ross ask through the door.

The door handle turned.

"Don't come in here. I don't want you to see me like this" I said.

He walked in.

"Through sickness and through health, remember?" He asked.

I went to throw up again and he grabbed my hair. I got up and flushed the toilet then brushed my teeth. I walked out and layed down. Ross pulled the cover over me.

"Get some rest baby" He said then kissed my forehead.

He walked out then about an hour later Stormie came up.

"You okay, sweetie?" She asked.

"Yea, I feel a lot better now" I said.

She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion and felt my head.

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