Chapter 1 - Is that a ring on your finger?

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"I declare the defendent, Not Guilty!" The judge says and the gallery cheers. You see, today was a special one for Apollo because this case would be brodcasted across the world. The judge bangs his gavel and says "Before I adjourn this court, I have a question for the defense team." Athena looks over at Apollo and ushers him to speak. "Yes, Your honor?" Apollo asks with a clam tone.

"Well you see, I coudn't help but notice that ring on your finger Mr. Justice. It's quite beautiful by the way." Apollo flushes a bright color of pink. "Wait, Mr. Justice.... Are you engaged?" The judge asked gasping. Before Apollo could open his mouth, Klavier shouts "Guess who it was to?" Klavier says with a proud smile and holds up his hand to show the judge his ring. 

The Gallery gasps and starts cheering loudly. "Wait you two are engaged?!" The judge shouts and Apollo nods. 

Athena looks over at Apollo and then to Klavier. "Wait your honor I also do not know anything. I'm on the same page as you." Athena looks at Apollo. "Yo Polly congrats!"

The gallery is still cheering wildly for the young couple and the judge stares, mouth agape. "I didn't even know you were dating!" The judge shouts. "Why else do you think I flirt with Herr Forehead in court?" Klavier adds.

"You know that does make alot more sense why you were always flirting in court." The Jugde says, scratching his chin. "Well congrats Prosecutor Gavin or should I say Justice, But either way this Court is adjourned." 

The prosecutor and the defense attorney walk out of the courtroom together, holding hands and the gallery aw's at the couple. As soon as they get out of the courtroom Apollo is attacked with a bear hug from Trucy. "Polly! You never told me you and Klavier are getting married!" Trucy says, jumping with joy. 

"Klavieeeer!" Trucy says in a sing songy voice. "You're gonna be my big brother in law and Rafya's too!"  Trucy squeals, holding both of Klaviers hands and jumping up and down. Klavier mimics Trucy and jumps and Athena is soon whezeing from laughter. There is just somthing so funny about a grown man jumping up and down squealing with his future sister in law.

Soon Simon Blackquill comes in with his husband in tow. Nayhuta runs and hugs Apollo. "Apollo! I heard the news from the judge! Lemme see the ring!" Nayhuta is bursting with joy and is smiling ear to ear. Apollo holds his hand up to let Nayhuta see. The ring was beautiful and the clear diamond was carved to look like a rose. The band part of ring was silver and it had the words "AJ + KG" engraved into it. Nayhuta's eyes filled with tears and hugged Apollo. Apollo has also started to cry when Nayhuta told Apollo "I'm so proud of you." 

Simon started to smile when he looked at the two brothers. Simon patted Klavier on the back. "You've got a good guy, Klavier." Klavier smiled at Simon and continued to watch his partner playing with his brother. 


Klavier and Apollo walk out of the courthouse with all of their friends in tow. They all thought it would be a good thing to hit the town but as soon as they crossed the street they were met with some familiar people. It was Miles Edgeworth with his kids, Kay Faraday and Sebastian Debeste. Klavier waved at them and Kay and Seb started bolting towards them. Kay ran up and gave them a hug. "Yo Klav I heard the news! Congrats guys!" Kay looked at the ring on Apollo's hand. "Oh damn, Polly. I betta tell Ema to step up her game cause THAT is amazing! Sebby you seeing this shit?" Seb walks to look at the ring and all he could mutter was "Wow." .

Miles walks towards the group of people. "Kay and Sebastian! What are you- woah." Miles looks at the ring and gasps. "Are you and Gavin engaged?" Apollo nods. "Congrats Mr. Justice and Mr. Gavin." Miles smiles. "Would you guys like to join us for dinner? We are celebrating." Klavier asked. "Please dad? I'll stop calling you Dadworth for a month." Miles sighed and nodded his head. His kids cheered and they started following the group.

"I wish Rayfa was here right now." Apollo sighed, kicking the pavement as he walked. "You know, Rafya's flying in tomorrow with Dhurke and Amara. We can surprise them tomorrow!" Nayhuta said smiling. "You know that's a good idea, You could bring Simon and we could all watch old home videos." Apollo smiled at his plan.

Note: Hi guys I hope you enjoy this Klapollo Fic because i LIVE for Klapollo. I will be continuing this series so if you have any recomendations for this series please feel free to comment them! BTW i started crying a bit when i was writing about the ring lmao. I will post during the day mostly because i can work on this during school! Bye and enjoy this series.

"Is that a ring on your finger?" A Klapollo storyWhere stories live. Discover now