Chapter 4 - Hearing aids and singing gays

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Klavier had been wearing hearing aids for a while now but he never told anyone outside his family, That's why when Athena posted a photo of him first thing in the morning on his instagram was a shock to his fans to see him wearing hearing aids.

Klavier always slept in a bun and keep his aids in. It was the first thing in the morning when Athena snapped a pic of him and posted it.

You see, Athena did this as revenge because he posted a photo of her first thing in the morning on his insta. But instead it backfired and the hole world caught a glance at his hearing aids.

Klavier was always self conscious when it came to hearing aids so he would always hide it in his braid and in public where it was loud Apollo would sign to him.

Sure there were always rumors that Klavier was hard of hearing and the paparazzi had caught Apollo signing to him but it was never confirmed, but this photo confirmed everything.

"Klav! Athena did somthing!" Apollo said running into the room.

"Did she post another video of Simon singing, she's gonna get killed." Klavier said, sipping his coffee.

"No Klav, it was you!" Apollo said worried. "She posted a pic of you with you hair up with your aids in!"

"She did WHAT?!" Klavier said, spitting out his coffee. "Oh god. What will people think that a rockstar went deaf!?"

"Klav, you should accept it. Be proud and wear your hair up!" Apollo said, cheering his fiance up.

"We have court today, I'll wear my hair down and you wear yours in a bun!" Apollo said happily.

"It would be fun with you not having your spikes... Okay." Klavier said.

"Well let's get going since we don't have to do our hair." Apollo said grabbing Klavier's hand.


The defense and prosecution walk up to their desk with their new hair styles.

The judge starts saying something but he can't hear him so he signs to Apollo 'I can't hear him'.

Apollo signs back and tells him that his aids are off. Klavier clicks his hearing aids on.

"Sorry, your honor." Klavier says with a nervous smile. "What were you doing with your hands, you two?" The judge asks.

Before Klavier can answer Apollo says "Klavier here is hard of hearing so i'm signing to him to turn his hearing aids on cause he always forgets."

"Oh Prosecutor Gavin, I never knew you couldn't hear." The judge asks and Klavier turns his head away.

"Your honor, My fiance is still very shy about it." Apollo says and signs Klavier 'I love you'. and Klavier blushes and smiles.

"I'm gonna need to learn that devil talk now to understand you two." The judge says.


Klavier and Apollo walk in to Simon and Rayfa singing 'Emotions'. Rayfa was singing the normal parts and Simon was doing all the whistle tones. Nahyuta was cheering them on and Athena was filming them, hiding in a corner.

Simon noticed Athena and started chasing Athena around the house. "You know what would be fun? We could have a family singing group and we could call it like the justice system or something." Klavier said, clapping his hands. Rayfa liked the idea and started calling Trucy and Athena to come over.

Nahyuta also joined with Simon. It took a lot of convincing to get Simon to join.

"We should all sing 'Baka Mitai'! Trucy blurted out and everyone nodded.

(This is what I think it would sound like.)

"Wow guys, what did i just walk into? That was so good!" Dhurke said as he entered the room.

"We are making a singing group called the justice system!" Rafya said proudly.

"It's a group full of lawyers and other legal people, and a magician!" Trucy said proud.

"Wait sing it again, i would like to keep this video forever." Amara said and they sung it again.

All of them kept singing random songs until they fell asleep


Note- Hi guys! should i still put singing in here or just normal stuff. comment any things you would like to have added!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2021 ⏰

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