Chapter 3 - Viral

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Quick Note!- This book will focus mostly on the family fun and fluff aspect so their will be alot of that!

Simon woke up on Klavier's couch and he had remembered what happened last night. His family had figured out that he could sing and do whistle tones. He looked at the floor to see all of his family asleep on the floor or couch, but then he realized the girls were gone.

He got up and walked into the kitchen to make coffee but under the island Athena, Rayfa and Trucy sat there, looking at a phone. Their faces had a strange look that was a mix between happy and scared.

The girls squealed when Simon found them under the island.

"Why are you hiding in the island girls?" Simon asked with a confused look on his face.

"Oh my god, Simon your gonna kill us when you find out." Trucy said with a sly grin on her face.

"What did you do?! Was it Athena?" Simon asked, slightly panicking and then he realized.

"Please tell me you didn't post that." Simon said, biting his lip.

Rayfa held out the phone for Simon to look. It was the video of him hitting the F#7 and Miles being shook. It had the caption 'This is a normal family thing for a family full of lawyers' It showed Simon hitting the note as everyone was freaking out. Seb was on the floor wheezing and Trucy and Rayfa going buck wild and the queen of khura'in and her husband squealing.

Simon turned pale when he saw the view count.

"4.1 mil?!" Simon was freaking out now.

"I have a case today! What will i do if they remember me?! They will think i'm some pretty boy who can sing! They won't be scared anymore!" Simon was full on yelling now.

"What's going on here?" Dhurke walked into the room to see Simon panicking and three girls in a island.

Rayfa showed Dhurke the video. "Wow Simon my boy, Your a famous singer now!"

"I don't wanna be famous!" Simon yelled, punching his fists on the counter.

"Simon, are you okay?" Nahyuta walks into the room and Simon runs to Nahyuta and starts crying into his shoulder.

"What is going on? Why is Simon crying?" Nahyuta ask's while comforting the man.

Rayfa shows Nahyuta the video. "It is the most viral video on tumbler!" Rayfa says proud and Simon crys harder.

Everyone is in the Kitchen by now and they are all trying to make Simon feel better.

"I have to go to work now." Simon sighs and walks out the door with Athena because she is the attorney for the case.


"Is the prosecution ready?" The judge asks and Simon huffs and nods.

"The prosecution calls it's first witness the stand." Simon says and Ema Skye takes the stand.

"Im Ema Skye and i'm a forensic detective. Oh by the way Prosecutor Blackquill, I saw the video of you doing a whistle tone yesterday, Your really good." Ema said  with a cheerful look on her face. 

"Oh Prosecutor Blackquill, you can sing?" The judge asks and Simon huffs and blushes.

"I have the video here and i can show it to the courtroom!" Ema says tapping the phone screen.

"Wait! Ema no!" Simon's cries are interupted by the video plays of him doing the F#6 and his family going insane.

"Wow- Prosecutor Blackquill you can go really high!" The judge says and then the courtroom breaks out in cheers. Simon turns 50 diffrent shades of red and he hides his face.

"Your honor, Simo- I mean Prosecutor Blackquill is utterly embarresed of this video i took of him so if we could stop awing over Prosecutor Blackquill's talents  would be helpful."  Athena stated.

"Miss Cykes he's very good though." The judge states, a bit dissapointed.

"I know but he wants to deny it, so if we could stop before he pass- AHH!" 

Simon passes out and falls on the ground from embarrassment.

"Oh sh- call a 15 minute recess now!" Athena yells and picks up Simon's limp body with ease.

"AH- okay This court is taking a 15 minute recess due to- this." The judge says, a bit scared of the sheer strength that girl has to lift up a 175 pound man. 


"Nghh-" Simon opens his eyes to find himself on the defendent's lobby's couch.

"What the hell happened?" Simon asked himself as he got up.

"Hah- Simon you passed out in the court cause Ema played the video of you singing.

"Oh god- wait." Blackquill could hear himself singing and it was coming from the courtroom.

"Athena, please tell me you didn't send Ema the video's of the tapes?" Simon asked concerened.

Athena dragged him to the courtroom and saw the Judge and Ema watching videos on the present screen. It was of him, singing 'fly me to the moon' to Athena.

"Oh Prosecutor Blackquill your back! You seemed to be a sweet lad back-" The judge said but Simon yelled over him. "I WAS 17! AND SHE WAS 4! ALOT HAS CHAnge-" And Simon passed out on the floor, banging his forehead on the witness stand on the way down.

A pool of blood made it's way around Simon and everyone screamed. 

"OH CRAP, NOW HE IS SUFFOCATING IN HIS OWN BLOOD!" Athena kicked Simon over so he would not drown in his own blood. He had a large gash on his forehead. "DOES ANYONE HAVE PROSECUTOR SADMAHDI'S NUMBER?" Athena yelled and Ema said she did so she called him.

"I think i just made it worst!" Ema yelled. "I made him have a panic attack!" 

"Oh yeah, I forgot how he handles stuff with Simon." Athena said, poking her two pointer fingers together.

"He shouldn't take to long since he was in the oth-" Athena said and then Nahyuta bolted into the room and grabbed his husband. He grabbed a tissue from his pocket and started wiping up the blood on his forehead.

Nahyuta looked up at the judge and asked "What the hell happened?"

"Well Miss Skye played a video of Simon hitting a very high note and he passed out and then he came back in and we were watching a video of Prosecutor Blackquill singing to young Miss Cykes and then started saying something about how he was 17 and she was 4 and then passed out and hit the witness stand."

"Im very pissed, you know."

Note- This was a blackmahdi chapter but i swear there will be more klapollo! also about 16 people have read my book so far so thanks!

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