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Amy put the finishing touches on the cake, as Katherine and Ricki carried food outside. "Who's picking Donna up from the airport?"

"Uncle Joe." Katherine carried the lasagna out of the house.

"Nonno just commed," Ricki announced. "Everyone else will be here shortly."

"Where can I safely store the cake?"

Ricki shifted some items in the fridge. "Put it on this tier." She helped Amy put the cake on the bottom tier, above the crisper.

"I'm glad your grandparents have such a wide fridge."

"They nearly went into debt buying it, but, because we're Italian and they have so many get-togethers..."

Amy just grinned.

"It's a pretty big cake, but I still hope you've made enough."

Within a half-hour, the house was full of people, mostly members of the D'Amico family and Donna's friends and their parents. Amy put out light snacks of mostly fruit.

Joe and Donna eventually arrived, and everyone heartily welcomed and congratulated her.

"I really hope we have enough cake," Ricki whispered in Katherine's ear.

Katherine stroked Ricki's shoulder.

"Is anyone from your family here, by the way?"

"My dad's near the gate, talking to Uncle Bruno."

Amy approached. "It looks like everything's set."

Katherine clutched her arm. "Come on—let's go mingle. I'll help you brush up on your Italian."

Amy and Ricki exchanged a glance, before Amy let Katherine lead her through the crowd, Katherine and a few members of the D'Amico family helping her with her Italian language-speaking skills—even Bobby proved helpful by teaching Amy some idioms and slang (Katherine gave her the true translations). Eventually, they encountered Donna, and Katherine taught Amy how to congratulate Donna on her gold medal in Italian.

"Grazie." Donna beamed.

"Benvenuto," Katherine whispered into Amy's ear.

"Benvenuto." Amy beamed, as Donna smiled her approval.

Eugenia announced lunch was ready; everyone got the food they wanted, and sat around Giuseppe and Eugenia's backyard and conversed while they ate.

"What's that tool doing here?" Bobby demanded.

Everyone within earshot followed Bobby's gaze to where Andreas stood, on the other side of the gate leading into the backyard.

Giuseppe approached him. "I don't believe we invited you."

"I heard Donna was home..."

"Just tell him to piss off or you'll comm the cops, Nonno."

"I'll handle this, Bobby." Giuseppe returned his attention to Andreas. "I don't want any problems. It's nice you want to welcome Donna home, but you weren't invited to this party, and thus I'll have to ask you to leave. Now."

Andreas nodded, and left.

"I wish that puddle of monkey spunk would just go home already."

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