Cammy took a bow as everyone, save Katherine, applauded.
"What the hell was that?"
Cammy looked at Katherine. "What?"
"Cut the bullshit. This looks—and sounds—like you goofed off after getting the assignment, then cobbled it together at the last minute to cover your tracks. In short, like you're up to your old tricks."
"But I did the assignment after I got it!"
Katherine shook her head. "You're not fooling anyone, Cammy. Except, maybe, yourself. So my very strong suggestion is you go back to the drawing board, and this time, make it look like you put something remotely resembling effort into it."
"Do you have to be so hard on her, Katherine?"
"That's the sort of attitude that got her into this mess in the first place. She doesn't need any more mollycoddling. At this juncture, what she needs is a big boot in the ass."
"But you don't have to be so mean." Cammy sounded like she was near tears.
"Dr. Aragon and your teachers will know about this session, and they're keeping me abreast of how you're doing in summer school. So far, not so good. You showed up late and unprepared on your first day—and at your first class of the summer—thus buying another detention, and you've served only two of your now –still—one hundred sixty detentions—and you're lucky Dr. Aragon has decided to, thus far, not give you any more. And you're not making an effort—I have to make sure you actually do your homework. You'd better shape up if you want to graduate next year." Katherine stood up. "Now get your stuff—I have to take you to detention. Mr. Addison is charge today; maybe I can convince him to help you with your presentation."
Cammy left the room.
"You could be easier on her, Katherine."
Katherine looked at Helena. "People being easy on her caused all of her problems."
"Did I miss anything?"
Everyone turned to see Andreas enter the room; Katherine rolled her eyes.
"Nothing you wanted to see." Frans grinned.
Cammy returned with her backpack.
Katherine opened the backpack and sorted through it as she consulted her tablet for the items Cammy's teachers told her she needed. "Detention ends at three-thirty." She ticked items off on her tablet screen, closed the backpack, and passed it to Cammy. "Let's..."
"You're leaving now?"
"I have to take your cousin to detention before I go to work. And, under Dr. Aragon, there are now consequences for being late for detention—and they're being enforced." Katherine looked at Cammy. "I'll have to remember to time you whenever I have to take you to detention. I know detention isn't pleasant, but you have to go. And you definitely have to get ready to go faster than at present, and avoid stalling. Now let's..."
"You don't have to..."
Katherine glared at Andreas. "Save it. I've been hearing it for the last two hours. Cammy, now!"
A frightened-looking Cammy gathered her backpack, and accompanied Katherine out of the house.
Andreas followed them. "You know, you could be a lot nicer."
Cui Bono
Fiksi UmumMany eligible men want to court Bianca Curran. There is only one problem: Bianca's father won't allow Bianca to date until she reaches adulthood or unless and until her older sister, Katherine does-and Katherine has a reputation for being difficult...