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Hello loves❤️🍓
(Let's hope wattpad don't take that down)

Okok Someone pm me and gave me a plot

I really like it so here we go
(And I'm doing the same thing as last time😙😙)


(No ones P.O.V)

Both hinata and kami walked to the yellow teams dorm, They were greeted my a girl named yatchi.

Yatchi said

"Hi, isn't this the yellow teams dorms right?"
Hinata asked/said

"Uh huh..."
Yatchi said as her eyes wonder off to take a closer look at hinata.

"Um? Hi?"
Hinata said trying to get Yatchi out of her trance

"I-I'm so-rry what's your n-name?"
Yatchi said while stuttering

"I'm hinata shouyo, what's your name"
Hinata said/asked

"I thought we were friends"
Yatchi said in a friendly tone

"No way"
Hinata said

Yatchi said

The ran into each other, and hug the life out of the other person.

"D-do you guys know each other?"
Kami asked/said confused

Yachi said, very excited

"Yeah we are long lost best friends"
Hinata said

" what do you mean 'long lost'?"
Kami asked/said

"We we're friends since 1st year in high school, I left and went to America"
Hinata said

Yatchi knew she was lying, but she didn't say anything because she knows Hinata is not ready to talk about it

A little bit of disclosure for my readers~

This is YATCHI☺️🥳

This is YATCHI☺️🥳

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