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Hello loves❤️🍓
My friend said that she will write the smut for meeee so You know what's bout to go down😊


(No ones POV)

"You sure you want to do the lap dance in front of everyone?"
Semi asked

"Hmm? Kai what do you want, everyone see this *points to her body* orrr only you?"
Hinata asked

Kai said

"Mhmm ok"
Hinata said

"I'll play WAP for you, sei LOOK AWAY"
Semi said bc sei is her bf <3

" I already know the drill"
Sei said turning around

Kai said

-time skip after hip rocking and nose bleeds and hard members-
"Hinata room. NOW"
Kai said

They are finished and hinata can't walk,
She has to stay in bed for 2hrs
Bc her legs couldn't stop shaking

135 words gomen I will make the next one long

135 words gomen I will make the next one long

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Bye loves❤️🍓

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