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Hello loves❤️🍓

Our girl Hinata POV

{on the call}

M-hinatas mom
D- hinatas dad
H- sunshine hinata

M- hey baby, are you ok?
H- hey mom I'm ok, I just wanna ask if I can
come down to America for a couple of months?
M- ....
D- how dare you! You didn't even tell me ( starts fake crying)
M- omg your such a baby *eye roll*
D- *walks over to hinatas mom and rolls eyes* whatever, how's my baby?
H- I'm good dad, I just asking if I can come over to America where you and mom and natsu are?
D- omg I never thought this day would come! Of course you can come!!!! Is that even a question?
M- yeah baby you can come
H- great thanks, when?
M- hmm? Two weeks!
D- WHAT NO! In one week!!! Can't wait to see youuu!!!!!!
H- CANT WAIT TO SEE YOU TOOO!! *they all started laughing* ok bye mom and dad,
M & D- bye!
H- say hi to natsu for me please!
M- will do!
{call ended}

'Hmm I guess I should start packing, oh and the training camp in tomorrow, I really wanted to go*pouts*'
- time skip six days-
(No ones POV)

After hinata left that day the team still believes nami that hinata ra*ped her, and that "she"is a boy that stuffs his bra
(Suga POV)
" Kay guys tomorrow is the camp, so you can leave early today and pack and get rest" -daichi said
I'm not going to lie they haven't been so good without hinata, but he is just a ra*pest and he acts like a girl ewww

-time skip hinatas POV-

I when to the local gas station to get some snacks for the trip to America tomorrow, as I was walking to the gas station I saw a bunch of familiar faces, I didn't mind it.

I got my things and went to go and pay I got hot chips and candy,

Then I when out side to see THE WHOLE TEAM!!
I ran, I ran so fast, faster than flash himself.

-kaGAYamas POV-

'I think I saw hinata? Mhmm whatever, I don't care abt him, he is a ra*pest and a pervert,

-time skip to the next day-
-kaGAYamas POV-
'We are on the bus right now, and not we are in Tokyo, I see kenma and Lev waiting for hinata. Omg they are going to hate him when we tell them hah' *we got off the bus* hey kaGAYama where is shouyo" (or shoyo pls help meee)

"Oh hinata, he isn't here, we kick him off the team" I said and with that every team came, either asking "why" or "huh" . We explained that he is a ra*pest and a pervert, everyone believed us which they should.

-hinatas POV-

As I woke up, I got ready to leave I packed for 1 week because I need some new clothes. I have pure boy clothes and a little bit of girl clothes, the i called a uber and they drove me to the airport, I payed them

-Time skip to when hinata got to America still her POV-

I woke up from my nap I took, and it was time to get off the plan,

As I got off the plan I saw my mom and dad! But where is natsu?
"Where is natsu" I asked
"Oh she is at school baby" my mom said
"Mhm ok" I said
" SO YOUR NOT EVEN GOING TO SAY *lowers his voice and makes it squeaky* "hi my favorite parent I messed you so so much dad" HUH!?!" Hinatas dad said
"* laughs* hi mom and dad" I said and they hugged

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