chapter 3

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I am currently sat in a empty room, at the police station, completely shocked.

'I have a dad?!'

Is all that was going through my mind right now. And I know that you might be thinking 'Of COursE You HaVe a DAd' or 'HOw do You ThINk yOU goT heRe' I knew that I had a dad but I just thought that he was some random druggie or something, not one of the rich's mans in the world.

I soon got brought out of my thoughts by Rosie, the social worker, walking in.

She is a 25-30 years old, with blonde hair and blue eyes. She is tall, or at least taller then me, slim and curvy. It really makes me wonder why she would want to be a social worker.

Rosie had a smile plastered on her face, and that caused me to worry. My thoughts were going crazy;

'what if he wants me to stay with him?'

'what if he doesn't want me to stay with him'

'will I be sent to an orphanage or a foster house?'

'what is he is worse then them?'

Just as my breathing begins to pick up again, I am brought out of my thoughts due to Rosie saying "Your father has agreed to take you in. And I think that he seemed very happy to hear about you. He will be here by tomorrow morning, so get some sleep."

I nodded and muttered a quick "thank you", before following her out of the room to another room with some beds in.

The beds were uncomfortable and were not nice to lay on, but I didn't really care due to being so mentally and physically tired. And my injuries didn't help at all. But I just blocked out the pain I felt and let the darkness take over, knowing that tomorrow would be tiring.


*3 hours later*

I still was in a state of shock. We had finally found our neonata (baby girl), however, I was sad that we had missed almost all of her childhood. We still had 30 minutes left of our flight when I checked my phone;

30 missed called from Cam, Adi and Gio.

100+ messages from all of the family.

'shit' I thought to myself, remembering that we forgot to tell anyone what had happened and where we were going. I called il mio amore (my love) back. It rang for one ring and then I heard her sweet, angelic voice fill my ears.

"il mio amore, where are you? Do you know how worried we were?" She kept rambling on so I cut her off by saying;

"Adri, calm down love. I am okay and I'm sorry for not calling you sooner. Some very important business has come up and we are currently on our way to London right now."

"oh okay, well I am glad to hear that you are okay. But what is so important that you forgot to tell us?"

"I'm sorry, il mio amore. But it's a suprise."

"Okay, well stay safe, ti amo." (i love you)

"ti amo anch'io" (i love you too) I said before ending the call and preparing for landing.


(still Antonio's POV)

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(still Antonio's POV)

Sandro and I are currently in the car on our way to the police station. We are both equally as nervous as we are excited. We both sat in complete silence, allowing our thoughts to go crazy;

'what if she doesn't like us?'

'what if she doesn't want to come home with us?'

'does she remember us?'

'what if she was feed lies to hate us?'

'what if one of our enemies takes her away from us again?'

A lot of what ifs and not very many positive things. I keep letting my mind wonder for a few more minutes and then decided to go on my phone for a bit to distract myself.



In the car ride to the police station I let my mind wonder;

'what if she doesn't like me?'

'what if she HATES me?!'

'what if I can't be good big brother to her?'

'what if we lose her again?'

Just as I was letting my thoughts get the best of me, the car came to a halt, with the screeching sound of the tyres filling the surrounding area.

Taking a big, deep breath, both dad and I got out of the car. We both brushed the crinkles out of our suits before strolling towards the front entrance.

Dad opened that door and I immediately caught a glimpse of a beautiful girl, who looked just like the Cam and Car. I froze, looking at the beautiful young woman our Principessa has grown into.

Almost as though she sensed me staring at her, she looked up and locked eyes with me. In this moment it finally hit me

' I finally have my sorellina back'.



Hello there,

sorry for this chapter being shorter then the pervious one, I just really wanted to end it there and have it continue of next chapter.

Also I was trying to play around with different POV's and not really sure if they are good or not, so if you could let me know if you like it so far or not that would be great.

Many thanks xx



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