Chapter 2

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When I awoke, I was in an all-white room. I had on a long white gown and I was barefoot. I had no idea where I was at, I had never seen anything like this in Pracicica. Being the king's stepdaughter did allow for me to frequent any place I wanted but this place was entirely unfamiliar. I yelled out Hello but there was no immediate response.

Suddenly the door opened and in walked my father Jake. All I could do was scream. He looked at me with a warm smile and said "I know Jessie Bear. I had the same response when my mother walked in a greeted me." I was dumbfounded because if I was here with my father that meant I was dead! I did not want to think that I had endured all those years of hurt and pain just to end up dead when I was so close to being free.

"Jessie you are in the afterlife." my father explained. I did not know what to say all I could come up with was "How?". I was just alive on my way to school and now I am dead? I thought. Then it all came back to me. My mother acting weird and having me eat breakfast with her perfect family. My mother insisting, I finish my orange juice it all came rushing back in. She poisoned me. My own mother the cause of my death maybe everything Uncle Rubin said about her was true she was nothing but pure evil. But why? Why did she kill me when I tried to do everything, she asked of me?

"I know it's all coming back to you now. The realization that the person that was supposed to love you took your life away from you the same way she had mine taking from me." My father said. I could not believe what I had just heard. Uncle Rubin was not a crazy old man he was telling the truth all these years my mother had my father murder and now she has killed me too.

"But why? Why did she kill me daddy?" I cried. "That question I do not have the answer for, only your mother knows the motives to her actions. What I can tell you is that by some Devine design you are not supposed to be here baby. So, the creator is going to let you go back to earth and get justice for your murder and mine as well." my father stated. I looked at him like he was crazy how was I going back to earth when I was dead. As dead as an old car battery that has not been started in years. I could tell that he understood what I was thinking because he laughed. "You will be going back but you won't be going back as Jessica you will be going back in the body of Stephanie Cane the head of Pracicica Kingdoms security details daughter. As you may know Stephanie was extremely sick from Rheumatic Fever and she passé away the same time you did three days ago but they were able to get her heart starting again because she was already in the hospital. Stephanie does not wish to go back and deal with the pressures of her arranged marriage with your stepbrother Peter Jr., so she has agreed to let the creator put your soul in her body." my father said and looked at me to see how I was processing all this information.

It was a lot to take in but then I had a serious question "Would I be able to retain everything that I know from my life dad? Will I remember you and all the things you taught me? Will I be able to remember all the conversations I have had with Uncle Rubin?" I asked. "Yes! You will retain all prior life's knowledge." My father said. I slowly processed the information and thought about it deeply. I would have a second lease on life, and I would be able to gain the information I needed to frame my mother for all the things that she has done to my father and me. "I'm in," I exclaimed.

"I knew you would be Jessie now the only thing is for this to work the creator is going to have to rewind time and place you in Stephanie's body the minute you start to feel sick and weak. Stephanie is ok with dying in your place, she did not take as long to adjust because she knew her death was coming so she adjusted fast and only took half a day to wake up here. Whereas it took you three days for you to process that you were no longer of the living. It is kind of caused us some problems. Even though they were able to revive Stephanie her brain lacked oxygen for a long time, so she is considered brain dead. After all the test the doctors ran on her in the hospital, Mr. and Mrs. Cane are reluctant to pull the plug so for you to awaken up fully alert will freak them out to say the least." my father explained.

I took in all the information looked at my father and told him I was ready to go. He handed me one vial of green liquid. "Drink up!" My father exclaimed and I did without hesitation. I mean I can only be poisoned once, and I trusted my father whole heartedly he had never done anything to harm me. The liquid tasted bitter but what did I expect for a time traveling body swapping elixir. My father looked at me told me to lay back on the bed as he touched his ear and gave the go for Stephanie to drink her elixir as well. I felt very sleepy suddenly. My father told me to close my eyes and when I woke up, I would be in Stephanie's body, but I would have all my memories and I would be able to get justice for both of us.

I closed my eyes reluctant to let my father go but with rage in my heart to make my mother pay for what she had done to us. I suddenly felt warm all over and like I was being hugged. The warm feeling too over all my body and I could like I was floating again. But this time I was floating downwards. I could suddenly here a ding and nurses yelling code blue get the crash cart. Then I suddenly felt a sharp shock to my chest, followed by two more shocks. I took in a deep breath and screamed. Everything stopped, I opened my eyes to a bury guy light over top of head with nurses and doctors all around me. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2021 ⏰

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