Chapter 3

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this chapter centers around jirou's daughter shiori. shiori and her friends are all original characters, so i hope you enjoy reading about them as much as i enjoyed writing about them. <3 - jivanni


Shiori really likes Fridays. Especially this one. Shiori loves this one, because it's her birthday.

It's her birthday, and her mom is letting her have a sleepover with her friends — Ahana, Aihime, and Kento — and she is patiently waiting for 5:00 P.M. to come (she's not very patient, actually) so she can see them.

Ahana is her best friend. She's known her for a few years now — maybe three? She isn't exactly sure how they met, but that doesn't really matter. Ahana is awesome. She's awesome in every way. Every. Single. Way.

(Her aunt is an art teacher, so sometimes they eat lunch in her classroom. The perks of being friends with a teacher's relative...)

Aihime is another one of Shiori's best friends. They just met last year, but they became friends fast, and they're even better friends now, because they have the same science and English classes. Aihime is pretty cool. Her dad is cool too.

Shiori met Kento on the bus. His dad is a... math teacher? Yeah. His dad teaches seventh or eighth grade math (she isn't sure which one.) He lives kind of far away from her, but they still ride the same bus. They just met at the beginning of the school year, because he's a year older than her, but they're super good friends now. Shiori has never been to his house, and he's never been to hers before, but he likes music, so Shiori thinks her mom is going to like him.

Her mom is in the kitchen putting candles on her birthday cake and doing whatever else she's doing.

It is 4:57 P.M., and Shiori really can't wait for everyone to come over.

      shiori (4:57 pm)
      where are you

      ahana (4:57 pm)
      i am in a car.

      shiori (4:57 pm)
      obviously but how close are u!!!!!!

      ahana (4:57 pm)
      ummm. a minute.

      shiori (4:58 pm)
      you r so cool but can you just time travel instead

      ahana (4:58 pm)

She can not chill.

      shiori (4:58 pm)
      hello where are you

      aihime (4:58 pm)
      idk i will probably be there in 3-4 minutes

      shiori (4:58 pm)
      SWEET ill see you when you get here


      kento (4:59 pm)
      Okay just letting you know I'll be there soon!

      shiori (4:59 pm)
      omg srs ill see uyo

4:59, 4:59, 4:59... 5:00.

Shiori shoves her phone into her sweatshirt pocket and runs to her front door... and repeatedly takes her phone back out to check the time and her messages again and again.

And then an all-too-familiar white car pulls into the driveway and Shiori yells, "Ahana is here!"

"That's nice, babe," her mom yells back. "Open the door for her."

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