Fem loki

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Hey guys so this is a random idea that popped up in my head and I decided to give it a shot so I hope you guys like it, also this is going to use they/ them pronouns, and still use you and your, so you can imagine you and anyone else in this situation, without further ado let's get on with the story.

You were currently at work and were going to be all day leaving Loki to do nothing with himself all day. Loki was really bored, there was practically nothing to do when he was home alone all by himself as the other avengers still hadn't warmed up to loki and still didn't trust him.

Loki got up walking to the bathroom to use the facility. As he was washing his hands in the sink he looked at his reflection growing tired of having the same old black hair and the same facial features loki decided he was going to have some fun using his magic.

Loki smiled to himself as he used his powers to turn his hair into different colours, green, purple, pink and blue all of them making him look silly and laugh. Then he began to change his eye colours he usually had green eyes but now he had given himself the common brown colour eyes that he loved on you.

He continued to laugh at himself as he changed his height from really small to really tall. He changed different animals, horse, deer, dog, cat and a mouse.

Loki couldn't stop laughing at himself as he turned back to normal when suddenly an idea came across his mind.

Loki closed his eyes, he changed his hair from his greasy locks to fluffy black locks that flowed down to just above the bottom of his back, he changed his eyes from green to hazel brown making them sparkle just like yours, he put on mascara and some lipstick as he changed his Bone features and made himself a little smaller.

He changed the size of his chest to pretty average, happy with that size and did the same to his rear end, Loki was no longer wearing joggers and a hoodie but rather ripped black jeans and a tight black tank top that showed off all Loki's curves. Loki looked at themselves in the mirror and was shocked yet happy to see what they looked like.

Loki was stunning.

Loki was busy admiring themselves in the mirror so much that they didn't hear you come home from work.

You opened the door to yours and Loki's apartment, and walked into the living room frowning in confusion as you didn't find Loki there. You heard laughter coming from the bathroom and you grew even more confused. As you approached the bathroom the laughter got louder and you knew it was Loki's as they still hadn't realised you'd come home. You opened the bathroom door shocked at what you saw.

You covered your mouth with your hand shocked. There stood Loki lost in their own thoughts applying makeup in a female form. You gasped a smile creeping onto your face as you noticed how gorgeous Loki looked. Loki suddenly realised you were there and dropped the blush brush panic coming into their eyes

"Y/n I can explain" Loki said turning around panicked

Instead of getting mad like Loki thought you would instead you walked towards them and hugged them, making Loki shocked but hug back
(So idk of Loki still fits him as a name as a girl but I can't come up with a name for Loki that would suit him as a female so I'm gonna stick to loki but you can call them whatever you guys want to)

"Loki you look amazing" you gushed making Loki spin around so you could see them in all their glory

"Y-your not mad?" Loki asked surprised

"No Loki, why would I be mad? Your stunning"

"I'm glad you like it" Loki said flicking their hair.

"You know what we should go clubbing" you said looking them up and down again

"Really? With me like this?"

"Yes you look amazing" you said trying to convince them.

"Alright I'm in" Loki said very excitedly.

You got changed out of your work uniform and into a pair of jeans and a stomach top, applying winged eyeliner and some mascara before grabbing Loki's hand and heading to some club with huge neon lights.

You entered the club and the music instantly hit you, some pop song was playing through the speakers and people dancing, grinding on each other were everywhere you looked, there was a spot open at the bar so you led loki over there to sit.

You asked the bartender for some liquor and ordered some shots before leading Loki down to the dance floor, you guys began swinging each other around and dancing like crazy people but at that moment you didn't care who saw you or how silly you looked cause loki looked amazing and you were having an amazing time.

After a while loki began to get tired and headed back to the bar for another drink.

"Excuse me bartender can I have another shot please"

"Coming right up ma'am"

"What's a pretty lady like you doing in a place like this" said a husky voice behind loki

Loki froze unsure of what to do yet slightly recognising the voice.

"How about we get out of here and you can pet my Mjölnir"

Loki instantly recognised it as Thor. With a shocked and disgusted look on his face he turned around and Thor's face fell

"Brother it's me" Loki said hissing at his brother.

"Umm wha how? What?" Thor said shocked

"Okay big guy I think you've had enough to drink" said Peter dragging Thor away before Loki could make a remark about his brother.

You walked back up to Loki and put your arm around their shoulder before whispering in their ear "let's get out of here"

Loki nodded and took your hand walking out of the club with you and into the cold night.

————-time skip back to their apartment—————

"That was really fun" Loki said

"It was, we should do it more often" You agreed

"Really? With me like this?" Loki asked

"Yeah your hot as heck and your fun to go to nightclubs with"

"Thank you darling" Loki said kissing you.

"Now let's get this makeup off and get in bed" you said leading Loki into the bathroom

Hey guys sorry it took me so long to post this, collage is re opening soon and that means there's loads of assignments but hopefully I'll be able to update a bit before collage starts, anyways hope you enjoyed this :)

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