Hold me.

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The creds for this imagine go to LeahBendel   Thank you for requesting and just a slight warning to anyone reading or who is affected by this chapter, does contain some violence and panic attacks, if you are effected by this then please don't read and my dms are always open if anyone ever needs help. Anyways without further ado let's get on. Also takes place during the age of ultron era just loki is free and not in prison.

Of course stark had to throw one of his parties typical.

He always throws some ridiculous party for no reason and of course you being one of his best friends your always dragged along into it. While you liked tony as you knew he could protect you something about your past always made you scared of men and although you'd never talk about it you always knew the fear and dread was there. You always got the same feelings coming to parties but you hoped that there wouldn't be a lot of men here tonight.

You were currently sitting at the bar drinking (insert your favourite drink name) listening to Natasha whine on about Bruce talking to the other ladies.

"I mean come on he could be a little less obvious" Natasha whined as Bruce laughed ridiculously at a joke that wasn't even funny.

"Maybe he's just trying to make friends" you say trying to calm her

"Come on Leah look at the way he's looking at them" she whines as she puts her head on her hands.

"That's the alcohol trust me I've seen the way he looks at you" you say without realising.

"Wait what?!" She said all excitedly gripping your arm.

"Nothing I gotta go" you said nervously standing up and throwing your drink back before walking off in hopes of finding Tony.

You grabbed a glass of champagne off a tray from some girl tony hired and began walking through the crowd of people trying to ignore the stares and the men you had to walk passed as you were trying to look for your friend.

"Well hello there" a man said to you stopping you from finding Tony.

"Excuse me i need to find my friend" you said trying to walk away but he tried to grab your hand.

"What's wrong why not find them in a minute?" He said cooing in your ear

"Because I need to find them now please let go of me" you said trying to pull your hand away and get away from the man. The fear and horror of your past keeping up on you as you couldn't look the man in the eyes. His hand gripped tighter on yours.

"Now why don't we go and have a drink yeah?" The man asked slowly trying to drag you away.

"N-no thank you I just wanna find my friend" you said pleading as the man tried to drag you away. Tears filled your eyes and you began to tremble with fear

"HEY the woman said no" said a man with a deep voice.

"Oh yeah and who are you?" The man who tried to drag you away said getting closer to the guy trying to help you.

"I'm her friend" the man with the deep voice said trying to let the man let go of you. "And I'm warning you one last time. Let. Go. Of. Her" he said to the man.

The man who dragged you away just laughed his grip on your arm now starting to leave marks as you slowly started to tremble and cry.

You slowly looked up at the man who had tried to help you and noticed his long black hair, he looked at you but you put your head down as to not look him in the eyes, as soon as he saw you were crying he yanked the man away from you and smashed his face into the bar creating a Big Bang sound.

You dropped to your knees no longer being able to breathe or cope or see. Everything was fuzzy and everything just made you re-life your past. You shut your eyes trying to control yourself but couldn't. you began to cry harder shutting your eyes and wishing it would all go away.

You couldn't move. Couldn't breathe. Couldn't speak. You were numb just sitting there on the floor having a panic attack over something you couldn't control. You felt someone kneel next to you however you didn't have the energy to look.

You felt them wrap their arms around you and brush your hair asking you if you were okay but you couldn't hear them in your daze.

"Are you okay?!" The voice shouted next to you. You recognised the deepness in his voice and knew it was the man who tried to save you. Normally you would cower in fear but this man felt different. He felt warm and sensational. You could tell he knew what your fear was like and you instantly wanted to melt into him.

You finally turned your head to look at him. The first thing you noticed were his piercing green eyes that looked concerned, his jawline and cheekbones and finally his really long black hair.

"Are you okay?" He asked again

You opened your mouth to speak but couldn't the air had still been knocked out of you. You simply shook your head as he held you there slowly rocking you and stroking your hair to calm you. You noticed the area had been cleared as there were no other people around and the others were attending to a passed out tony and the guy who had his face smashed into the bar.

"I'm loki" he said calmly in your ear. "Can you tell me your name?" He asked in a sweet and calm voice.

"L-Leah" you barely squeaked out in between breathes.

"Leah" Loki breathed out with a smile on his face "that's such a pretty name Leah, now can you tell me what's wrong?" Loki said as he continued to rock you and stroke your hair.

"Anxiety. I'm scared of men. My past-" you began but loki cut you off by simply shhhh you and holding you as you cried.

"Do you want me to take you out of here?" He asked.

Normally you would've said no. Would've cried more and been more scared but there was something about being in Loki's arms that made you feel safe and made you wanna stay.

You once again couldn't find your voice so you simply just nodded. Loki nodded looking back at everyone else as he picked you up, your body limp and emotionless as he carried you to the guest rooms on this floor.

After opening a few doors and noticing somethings you guys wish you hadn't saw you finally found an empty room.

Loki gently carried you in and led you on the bed gently. He took your heels off and placed you under the covers, he looked at your tear stained cheeks and moved a few strands of hair from your face before smiling to himself and leaving.

You grabbed his hand just as he began to walk away

"Stay. Please" you whispered.

Loki nodded his head before slowly taking off his shoes and blazer and lying on the bed on top the covers. He was surprised when he felt you slowly lay yourself on his side.

"Goodnight loki. Thank you"

"Goodnight leah"

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