Vampire prt3

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Hey guys so there was a few requests for a part 3 so here it is also this part will be short as I just wanted to make a chapter where she found out about their true identities and then if you guys want a part 4 of this then I will write it for yalls lol so anyways sorry this is short and probably not what you were hoping for but I just wanted to get this out of the way so I hope yall understand and without further ado let's get on with the story 📖

Your POV

It had been two days since loki had kissed me and to be honest I still wanted more. I couldn't text him as I didn't have his number and he didn't have social media so I had no way of finding him until school on Monday and confronting him. I hadn't told anybody because I was scared of how they would all react so I decided to hide it from them and just hoped that I'd find him in school and ask him what's going on.

Loki's pov

It had been two days since I had kissed y/n and I didn't know what to think to be honest. She's cute and amazing and adorable and funny however I got into a lot of trouble with the vulturi and they would most likely kill me. I didn't know what I feel for her but she can never find out.

(Time skip to school on Monday brought to you by loki singing good girls bad guys)

Y/n pov

I walked up the school path. I hadn't seen loki or Tony since the other day and to be honest it was kinda strange, normally I would hear from stark but this time I didn't.

As I was walking through the hallways I noticed that both loki and stark were walking out of the canteen

"Hey both of you wait up" I shouted at them both

They both stopped in their tracks looking at me

"Hey how come neither have you have spoken to me the last few days"

"Sorry didn't mean to ignore you but I was golf smelling like a dog wasn't nice" Tony said glaring at loki

"I never said that I just said you stink like a dog and I didn't exactly want that all over her" Loki spat

"Okay what is going on here?"

They both stayed silent

"Okay someone talk now, you haven't spoken to me after what happened the other day and you stark have no excuse"

"Wait what happened the other day?" Stark said confused

"I kissed loki" I blurted out as if it was nothing

"YOU WHAT?" Tony practically screamed

"Oh for crying out loud dog Shutup before I send you to the pound" Loki said venom laced in every word

"What is going on? Why is he dog and why does he treat you like your a walking dead person?"

"Wow so you'll kiss her but you won't tell her" stark said now getting Angry at loki

"Why don't you just Shutup"

"Make me" Tony spat

"Guys stop what is going on?" I asked now worried

"Look" start said grabbing my arm, he moved my sleeve up showing my blue veins in my wrist, he then took my blazer off so my veins were exposed on my neck too

I noticed that Loki's eyes seemed to change a different colour they flashed red and he opened his mouth before closing it. Before he could however I saw the size and sharpness of his teeth how have I never noticed this before I thought to myself

"See he's nothing but a FREAK" stark spat at me


"Please stop. Your no better what about the beast you trap down inside" Loki asked in a threatening manner

"My beast is nothing compared to you. I have a heart you don't so why don't you just Shutup" stark said taking a step towards loki

"Make me dog" Loki said q he grabbed Tony's pencil case and threw it half way down the corridor "fetch" Loki said in a mocking tone

Tony flared up his veins popping out of his skin he looked pissed. He walked off, he grabbed his pencil case and continued walking

"Tony" I called after him. He continued walking until his walks gradually turned into running.

I ran after him. I got out of the corridor and into the playground he was no where in sight. His stuff was perched against a tree and his clothes were torn all over the floor but there was no sign of him. I looked around till I noticed a very large dog 🐕 in the playground that wasn't there before. I looked into it's brown eyes and instantly knew who it was.

"Tony" I said faintly

The dog gave me a sympathetic look but ran away into the woods behind the school.

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