Chapter 2

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Hello, I just wanted to let you know the address in this chapter is completely made up and hopefully isn't real as I used a random generator. Also, I decided to update the chapter a day early since I thought it was good enough. Another thing, I won't be able to update for a while, but it's not the end of the story!
"Is that blood?" Asked Evette.

As the two boys and the other girl looked over, the door shut behind them. The room and the house went dark except the moonlight shining through the broken windows.
When the door closed with a loud bang, the group screamed and shrieked with terror. The 4 of them were shaking like a leaf with fear. They didn't know this would happen. Hell, nobody knew, it was a surprise. A very bad surprise that they didn't like. They didn't even like surprises before coming to the mansion.

"Oh my god! We're going to die, we're totally going to die!" Screamed Astraea.

"Stop screaming Astraea! We're not going to die, this was simply the wind," George assured Astraea and the group.

"The wind! What wind? There is no wind, stop lying to us," Astraea snapped.

Since the group was encased in darkness, the teens took their phone out and turned on their flashlights. The room looked even creepier than it already was. The shadows of the furniture seemed to be moving every once in a while. Following them. Looking at them.

Drip drip drip sounded the blood from the cloth on the furniture. The teens were confused on how they couldn't hear it when they first came inside but didn't dwell on it too long. They looked at it with grim expressions and Evette even gagged when she noticed the dry blood clots.

Evette couldn't look at blood, even if it was tiny. It was no surprise when she suddenly threw up in what looked like a fake plant. There were many fake plants around the big room they were currently in. Some looked like they were from different places around the world but the group didn't pay too much attention to it.

After throwing up, Evette carefully took her phone out of her pocket making sure it wouldn't fall into the pile of throw up. When she took her phone out, she heard a crumbling noise. Evette noticed the noise was the piece of paper with a phone number. She showed the group and together they called the number on Evette's phone. It seemed to go on forever, the beep beep beep of the phone ringing. It was nerve racking for the group as they wanted to leave this place immediately.

Beep beep bee-

"Hello?" The person on the phone said. It had sounded like a woman but they couldn't be sure. It could have been a man with a very high pitched voice or with a voice changer.

"H-hello. C-c-can you help u-us p-please? We're l-l-locked in a m-mansion. It's i-in 7 Tunnel Street Oakland, CA," Alexander asked the mysterious voice.

"Why are you there? Get out of there now! You're not safe in there or anywhere near that house!" Beep beep beep. The phone suddenly went off. There wasn't anymore service. The teens cried out in despair and with anger.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2021 ⏰

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