Two more come aboard

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"Sami what is that?" Logan asks her when they were going down the highway to the next city

"Tree" she says happily to him

"Very good" he says to her

"What color are the leaves?" Kendall asks as he holds little Kyndal since him and Logan were snuggling with the girls in the front of the bus

"Green" Sami says happily

"You know your colors Sami girl" Logan says as he cuddles her close to him

'Can we talk to Uncle James and Carlos?" she asks him

"Sure I think we can Skype them for a little bit" Logan says to his daghter as he gets up to get his laptop, so James and Carlos and see the girls since they haven't seen them for a couple hours. Logan is thinking Carlos is going crazy without seeing the girls

"Hi Uncle Carlos" Sami says when she sees her favorite Uncle come on the screen

'Hi munchkin" Carlos says as he motions for James and Alex to come and see the girls

"Logan little Kyndal is getting so cute" Alexa says when she see the happy baby that Kendall had in his arms

"I know her hairs is curling behind the ears now" Logan says to Alexa

"Sami are you being good for your daddy?" James asks her

Sami nods happily

'That's good" James says to her

Sami continued to talk to Uncle James and Carlos until they got close to the venue that the group was going to perform at

'Sami stay close to me or you can go with Uncle Kendall, James or Carlos" Logan says as he changed Kyndal cause she was getting cranky a little bit

"Okay daddy" Sami says to him

Kendall got the diaper bag ready while Logan got Kyndal ready cause they had to go to interviews after they got off the bus

"Loges do you want me to get Sami's little backpack ready?" Kendall asks him

"Yeah put her Ipad, coloring book, crayons, a toy, juice, a snack and whatever else cause I'll grab an extra outfit just in case" Logan says to him

"I'll have Alexa do our laundry cause it looks like we need it" Kendall says as he texts Alexa to see if Alxa could do the laundry for him, Logan, Sami and Kyndal

"Yeah with Kyndal we will need a few extra outfits" Logan says to Kendall

Logan helped Sami with her backpack, so they could get going as soon as they got off the bus

"Logan look over there" James says as he gets the strollers out for Logan and Kendall, so the two girls could travel safely with the boys

"Oh my god" Logan says as he runs over to the two girls that looked like they were just beaten up with anything, and they had some stab wounds on their body

"How old do they look?" James asks as he brings the huge first aid kit over to Logan

"Four or five" Logan says as he cleans up the girls wounds that they had

Soon one of the girls started to wake up

"Hey" Logan says as he cleans her face with a washcloth that Carlos brought from one of the tour buses

The little girl waves to him

"It's okay we're not going to hurt you" Logan says as he finishes cleaning her up a little bit, so she looks a little better

James did the othe little girl

"It looks like some abused these girls big time, and just dropped them off here" James says as he cleans the second one up

"Yeah it looks like it" Logan says as he helps the one girl up

The little girl cried out in pain as she started to walk

"Here I'll carry her piggy back, and after the interviews we can get these two checked out" James says as he picks her up

"Sounds like a plan" Logan says as he gets the other little girl who was still out like a light

'Daddy" Sami says as she reaches out to Logan

"Hey baby girl" Logan says to her as he approaches the stroller that she was in

"Sister?" Sami asks him

"Maybe this little girl and the other little girl will be your big sisters" Logan says as he hands the other little girl to Carlos

As the group headed out Logan got the newest ones hats to wear, so the sun wouldn't hurt their eyes. Plus he stopped and got one of the girls a stuffed animal to hold cause she looked really scared

'Here you go sweetie" Logan says as he moves the hair out of her eyes for a little bit, so she could see a little better

"Thank you" the little girl says to him

"You are quite welcome" he says to her as he gives her a kiss on her little nose

(TV station)

"Okay Sami, Kyndal I am going to put you guys right here while daddy is doing his interviews okay" Logan says to Sami who was in her stroller

"You got it dude" Sami says as Logan gets her backpack out, so she could be on her I pad as they did the interviews advertising the concert that they were going to be doing that night

"That's my girl" he says as he gives her a kiss

The new one wanted to go with Logan really bad

"Okay you can come since I don't have anything for you to do" Logan says as he picks her up and carries her to the stage where the group was going to be performing at

The other one was still out like a light

"The girls must of got really abused" Carlos says to Logan as they took their places on the TV stage

"Must of now to get those two checked out, and in my custody for the rest of the tour" Logan says to Carlos

"Logan can you handle four girls?" Kendall asks as he brings little Kyndal over cause she wanted daddy

"Yeah especially one that is special needs" Logan says as he looks at Kyndal trying to get her to stop crying by making funny face for her

Kyndal stopped crying and smiled at daddy a little bit

"Oh Logan the doctor's put a shunt in her head to help with the drainage" Kendall says to him

"That will help later on down the road a little bit" Logan says as he gives Kyndal a fingear to squeeze

"Yeah it will" Carlos says as Sami comes towards him with the other little girl that woke up

"Daddy she can't see" Sami says to her daddy as she brings the other little girl towards him

"That means she is blind and will need help. Don't worry we can help her like we are doing to you and Kyndal" Logan says as he kisses Sami's little nose

"Can i stay here daddy?" Sami asks him

"Sure pumpkin" he says to her as he puts the other little girl on a chair that was bright out for her to sit on, and Logan could hold Sami cause she wanted to snuggle with daddy during the interview

Sami went back for her dolly, so she could hold it during the interviews

"Better princess?" he asks her

She nods

During the interview the guys had a message for who abused the two girls to turn themselves in, and they will never get them back ever

"Now to go tot he hospital" Logan says as he takes Sami back to the stroller

"Yup" Kendall says as he puts a sleeping Kyndal in her stroller

Logan had the blind one walk besides Sami stroller, and James carried the other girl who was happy to be in better care

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