Handling two kids

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"Logan wasn't Sami going with her aunt?" Kendall asks him after the photo opportunities were done

"Well she wants me as her daddy, and I couldn't say no to her, so I'm going to start potty training her a little bit between fan interactions and performing" Logan says as he takes Sami to the bus, so he could get her ready for lunch before they had to go to the radio stations

"I'll have Alexa help with the potty training" Carlos says to Logan

"Thanks buddy" Logan says as he takes Sami to get ready for lunch cause they had to eat and head to the radio stations for the interviews, and then head to the t.v stations

Sami ate for Logan really good

"Okay Kyndal I'm coming" Logan says when he hears her wake up from her slumber

"You named her after me?" Kendall asks Logan

"Yeah I did her full name is Kyndal Grace Henderson" Logan says as he gets Kyndal out of the stroller to hold her while he watches Sami to make sure she doesn't choke on her food that she was eating at the moment

"She really does look like a Kyndal" Kendall says as he gets up to takes his plate to be cleaned cause he was going to take a bit of a nap before they head to the radio stations for their interviews

"I'm done Logan" Sami says as she takes the last bite of food

"Okay Sami you have to wait cause I'm taking care of Kyndal right now" he says as he feeds Kyndal her bottle

"Me want to play" Sami says to him

"We'll play after I take care of Kyndal i promise Sami" he says as he continues to feed Kyndal her formula, so she could gain weight cause she was under weight a little bit, but that was going to change with he feeding she was put on

"Me want to play now" Sami says as she whines

"Sami I said we will play later after i take care of Kyndal who needs me right now" Logan says as he continues to feed Kyndal her formula

"Sami come on we'll play while Logan takes care of Kyndal" Carlos sasy as he comes over to her

"Otay" she says as she gets up to go play with her favorite Uncle that she loves her

"Thanks Carlos" Logan says as he sets the bottle down, so he could burp Kyndal after her feeding

"Don't mention it buddy" Carlos says as Sami plays baby with Carlos

"Come on Kyndal burp for daddy" Logan says as he sits her up, so he could burp her

Kyndal let out some good burps following her bottle. After she burped she snuggled into Logan's neck

"Are you going to go back to sleep huh?" he asks as he rubs her back

Soon Kyndal was fast asleep on his shoulder

"Night sweetie" he says as he puts her back in her car seat to sleep

Logan cleaned up where Sami ate, and he takes Kyndal back to the bus, so he could change her diaper, so she smelled fresh for the interviews

"Okay sweetie I'll change you" he says when he hears her grunt a little bit

He lays her down and starts to change her


'Sami come on we got to go do our interviews" Logan says as he puts Kyndal in her car seat stroller

Sami goes over to him

"Sami you get to ride on Uncle Kendall's shoulders or you can ride in your stroller" Kendall says to her

"Stroller" Sami says as she puts her thumb in her mouth before they head out to go to the interviews that the group has to do

(Radio station)

"Sami I need you to be quiet cause Logan is going to be on the radio talking about the tour and the show tonight" Logan says after he brought Kyndal in, so he could keep an eye on her just in case she wanted to be held

"Otay Logan" Sami says from inside the stroller that she was sitting in

During the interview Kyndal started to get a bit fussy, so Logan took her out to hold her. While James got Sami just in case there was a bit of jealousy between the two girls

"What's the problem huh Kyndal did you have a bad dream, and it scared you?" Logan asks as he starts to rock Kyndall back to sleep in his arms

Sami put her hand on Kyndal's arm and started to rub it gently

"Sami you are a good big sister to Kyndal" James says to her

Sami just smiles at that comment

"It's okay baby I'm here" Logan says as he continues to rock Kyndal in his arms cause she wasn't settling down anytime soon

"How about we sing to her?" Carlos suggest to Logan

"Yeah maybe a lullaby will get her to settle back down and go back to dreamland" Logan says as he continues to rock Kyndal in his arms cause she was very upset and Logan couldn't figure it out to save his life

The guys sung Invisible and it worked cause both girls were sound asleep like little angels

"Both girls are asleep" Kendall says when he hears Sami snooze softly

Kyndal still whimpered in her sleep

"Baby its alright" Logan assures her as he continues to rock her in his arms

"Something is bugging her Logan" James says to him

Logan burps her, and changes her she still wasn't happy at all

"I'm taking her back maybe she has something wrong with her" Logan says as he heads to a different hospital in town to get Kyndal looked at cause he was really worried for her sake and her safety

The other three carry on the interview and say that Logan had to take Kyndal somewhere to get checked out cause she wasn't settling down anytime soon for him

(After the interviews)

"Let's see about Logan to see what is going on with Kyndal, and is she alright cause she seems like a happy baby" James says as he puts Sami in the stroller to head to the hospital, so they could see how Logan was holding onto cause with a newborn things can get stressful for him

"Yeah he didn't like that Kyndal was still fussy" Carlos says to him

"Don't we have to go to the t.v stations?" James asks

"Yeah I want to see about little Kyndal" Kendall says as they head for the hospital to see Logan, and Kyndal

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